No Country for Old Men...
No Country for Old Men...
My god - I suddenly have a fondness for Arnold that I had never experienced. I think the beard helps too. #ArnoldForPresident!
I trust Steve Buscemi to keep Louis CK in check.
Eat the Rich
We deserve the politicians we elect. #Vote
It just dawned on me (duh) that at some point over the last decade, this show turned into reality TV akin to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Perhaps it should be called Real Women of No Particular Consequence?
Here’s hoping there are more charges to come. This guy’s a snake.
I think I am having a deja vu experience - wasn’t a really similar article with the same photo been posted by Splinter a year or more ago? Or perhaps it is the LSD flashbacks. :P
Yum yum .... fresh souls!!!!
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (all bless the sauciness) would win all battles against posers as a function of his/her great ballsiness.
@William Hughes - The Big Lebowski is at the top of my list as well. Second would be Pulp Fiction. An American Werewolf in London used to be a topper for me as well as Evil Dead 2.
Is this another example of how #CancerSucks ? 64 years old is sadly young.
Horrible thing is if she has been aware of the whole ordeal. # IntotheGreyZone.
You went there before I did. :)
LOL - that was one constipated unconscious mind!!! That experience happened back in the late 80's early 90's - since then I have become compulsive about getting things done early which has become another source of stress. A classic example of the need to find the “middle ground” as the Buddhists say. :) Cheers my…
It was a strange feeling like the pressure was off and I decided to just organize my stuff for prep. I found myself typing and spontaneously came up with a solution to problem with the data that had stymied me (the solution seemed to just bubble up from the bottom of my mind - “the boys in the basement” as referred to…
It would be one hell of a mashup! Gordon jumps into another dimension and lands in Winterfell!
I tried the same tactic to get my Master’s thesis completed. Went through the trouble of arranging week off of work, booking the cabin and then sat down at my desk for 36 hours and finally pounded the thing out. Cancelled the cabin and, sent the rough draft off, and used the week to fly to Baltimore to defend the…
And those people on government assistance have REFRIGERATORS!!! How bad off could they be?