
Hopefully folks flood IMDB with 10 star ratings to drive the popularity of the film!

I have not done any deep dives into the allegations but don’t all of them fall into the category of “highly-closeted famous actor came on to me in a creepy and unexpected way and was kind of an asshole as well but backed off when I let him know I wasn’t interested”? Were there any explicit (or implicit) “do this or

How fitting ...

Now playing

Thanks for the tip - watched it and he is brilliant!

I would love to see the Coen brothers attempt this - either as a movie or a limited series - if for no other reason than to add a few laughs to an otherwise grim tale.

As a lifelong class clown, I have to bow down to Conan for this magnum opus of adhering to the bit!!!!

Oh good! I sure do love a musical!

Sure - let this grifter attract all the suckers he wants by an IPO... but this is just another means in which Trump’s influence AS PRESIDENT can be bought and he has not demonstrated any sign that he, or his relatives, would be concerned about conflicts of interest. In fact, all evidence suggests he WELCOMES the

He’s soo convicted!

Without Windows Hello support, this is a forgettable upgrade.  Too bad.

Jesus... #EatTheRich

Respect for quoting Raylan Givens!

What about TJ Miller?  The movie wouldn’t be the same without him. ;)

If that’s the case, it’s a bizarre corporate taxation system that is in need of overhaul. 

If the weasels running the studio are wanting to skuttle it to simply write off the loss, what about donating the movie to some charitable organization (e.g., Autism Society of America or similar) who could distribute for streaming at a cost per view to raise funds? You’d think there would be a similar tax benefit in

Bring them in - we need affordable and not crappy EV’s! I’ll even sign the “you can spy on me” terms of service agreement!

I loved the metaphor of “burning down the building to collect the insurance money”. While it is not entirely accurate it certainly has the same feel. I would suggest it is also analogous to a late term abortion but that would be inappropriate.

Can pipelines be used?  The pragmatist in me feels like having a combination of generating the hydrogen from whatever source is most doable based on the location - hydroelectric, wind, solar, tidal, nuclear and with fossil fuels being the last option.  There is also the question of what is most likely to permit the