
What’s even more terrifying that in spite of Trump repeatedly making these moronic, obtuse, and corrupt choices, he still has anywhere between 41 and 47 percent approval from the American people.

Trump the Forester.  Considering what we’ve heard about his experience with wood, I would have guessed he would be a Mycologist.

Democratic leadership...

You really do have to feel for the guy.  He painted himself into a corner with all the characters and plot lines - trying to tie that up within one novel and produce a satisfactory ending for the huge series has got to be a monumental task.  When you figure that the publisher is also indicating that it can’t be over a

I’m Canadian so don’t have a dog in this race BUT if I were American, she just shat the bed IMHO.  Stupid move.  

The sad thing is that the people who really need to hear and understand these stories only watch Fox News if they watch any news at all.  Cut taxes... drain the swamp... job jobs jobs... fucking bullshit.


Classic... and sadly true.


I’m all for Trump hailing an impending Red Wave (isn’t that a horrible thing that is killing fish in Florida?) the more he yells about it the less likely overconfident GOP voters will be to get out and vote.

Definitely #4! Angry old white people are one cohort you can count on to show up on election day. If you don’t vote you get the government you deserve- 54% turnout at the last election.  Almost half of Americans got the president they deserved.

Yep - and Bob Newhart and Suzanne Pleshette will be lying in bed next to me.

Florida politicians.  Uggh.

No specific crime called “collusion” but what about “treason”?

Another failed attempt by the Trump administration to reunite immigrant parents with their children.

I gotta agree in spite of how I would love to flame the bastard.  I don’t think Payne is smart or quick enough to pull that old phrase out of his ass.

He looks like he could be Mark David Chapman’s little brother.

But just imagine if those kids had knives!!! STABBY STABBY!!! The massacre would have definitely been as... oh nevermind.

Where the heck was that good guy with a gun? Fuck.

Nihilism RULEZ!