
Having people with questionable morals and narcissism is a given for probably 95% of the politicians who achieve the highest offices - the system naturally selects for them. However, the vast majority have had the canniness to give a dignified persona to the public and not act in ways that are so transparently


For a sec there I thought that Pence was Schrödinger’s cat - but then I saw him in the Peru pic and everything went to hell. 

Gods and Monsters was a fantastic movie and really showed off Fraser’s acting chops and range. He also seems like a decent guy.

I am entirely in favour of banning/restricting firearms. I hate to say that to a certain extent I agree with Dana Loesch <shudder> when she is essentially saying “if it bleeds it leads” and with the 24-hour news cycle, these horrific events are gold mines for purveyors of news. It’s disingenuous of CNN to argue it and

Ah Icarus, we hardly knew you....

Same thing with when my dog has to throw up. She jumps off the hardwood floor and throws up on the couch or bed. Stupid dog...

My hope is that someone from the African American community gave him the clap at some point.

Hang on... The KKK didn’t clap for Obama? What bastards!

Or a form of extra strength Viagra.

“Shut up, Donny!”

Christopher Hitchens, the world is a little stupider in your absence. You are missed.

Freezer burnt foods are very useful for stews, chili, and other types of dishes where a whole bunch of different stuff gets thrown together and spiced/seasoned up. It beats throwing the stuff out.

Surprised about the luke warm reviews of Shameless this season. I have quite enjoyed watching how the characters, particularly Frank, try to become their “best selves”, yet get pulled back into their lifelong habits. I have found myself cheering for many of them to actually transcend the “white trash” roles that they

How about nausea and diarrhea? If not food poisoning, these have to be slam dunks for the flu, right?

I cut the cable because of these asshats and get most of my news from NPR.


States’ rights be damned when the shoe is on the other cloves hoof.

Yep! Go for it, old man!

Patience + HD Torrents