Made me laugh so hard at work!! Thank you.
Made me laugh so hard at work!! Thank you.
why isn’t this COTD.....
+1 Seals always going bad.
Final SEALoutuion
I wonder if pets could activate it. Dogs would do it out of stupdity/fear, cats would do it to wake you up at 2am for a feeding.
I wonder if pets could activate it. Dogs would do it out of stupdity/fear, cats would do it to wake you up at 2am…
I’m sorry... when someone says “in Minecraft”, and yet the thing relies on third party code, that’s not really “in Minecraft”, is it? It’s just a program using Minecraft for its UI.
I’m currently 33 and am completely independent save the $50 birthday check I get each year. At least I thought I was, until a few days ago when my father suggested kicking me off the family cell phone plan and I reacted as though he had asked me to sell my kidney.
Bomb threat. Age is irrelevant.
I'm of the belief artists (i.e. game designers) should have artistic privilege in how they envision their games. The same way as any painter, author, etc envisions their worlds. It upsets me to no end when people come screaming, "but I'm not represented in a way that I see myself!!!!!" Therein lies the problem. …
Even though anonymous reviews are worthless, I will tell you I ate there just last night and it was fantastic. Wonderful food, wonderful service. Look forward to going again and highly recommend.
Also, I do not doubt for a second that these are Harvard law students.
yes. They should've ran out into the white out ice covered highway and just waved their arms. That wouldve been safe. There isn't much they could have done at that point.
People don't like you. I bet they tell you this all of the time (but you cannot be bothered to listen.)
I'm more of a man. I'll fuck shit up like burn shit down. I like to see my work. Also I'm all about bar brawls. Yeah I'm not lady like.
nothing makes me laugh as hard as this bit. Love him soooo!