
Their customer service is excellent though.

A more stylish option for Pastafarians than the traditional colander.

Took ballet? That’s fucking stupid and anyone who sings it that way hates Christmas and America.

Polar bear laughs at your fence.

You might say they’re....

Made me laugh so hard at work!! Thank you.

why isn’t this COTD.....

+1 Seals always going bad.

Final SEALoutuion

Degenerates indeed:

All seals can go to hell!

WTF is this shit? NJOY products just straight suck. Point Blank. Their failure does not constitute failure of the overall market. The original marketplace where “vaping” started is doing just fine.

Encryption is not equal to encoding

Gary Johnson said he’d give me a piggyback ride if I published this

I wonder if pets could activate it. Dogs would do it out of stupdity/fear, cats would do it to wake you up at 2am for a feeding.

I wonder if pets could activate it. Dogs would do it out of stupdity/fear, cats would do it to wake you up at 2am

I’m not sure Gawker should be calling anyone who publishes personal information a “dickhead” as you really don’t have a leg to stand on in that argument.