
Run this command: db2move <databasename> export

After piratebay’s attempt, I added coin-hive’s url in my hosts file and pointed it to

I’ve used yoshi - It’s actually pretty convenient if you’re in a large city....comparatively, it costs about 4-5 bucks extra. If that goes to someone hired to fill up tanks and saves me a bit of time as what?

“TAXIS FOR ALL CAMPAIGN” - Hmm. I wonder how much money is flowing from the Taxi industry into this litigation. Further, given Uber’s business’s hard to place fault.

Cricket, however, restricts all of their LTE speeds to 8mbps while Verizon’s can easily get up into the 20's even up into the 100's in some cases. So if streaming/multimedia is your alley....then staying grandfathered in is probably still the best choice. People are still paying a premium just for the amount of

The first press conference was...odd.

So I guess displaying an actual anus is a no-no?

This guy looks very trustworthy:

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that the turkey was actually the 3 sacrificed in the name of a day for thanksgiving. A secret day of worship for the satanists.

I’m just waiting for the day when an image comes out with a post-it note titled: My Passwords

Uh-oh, farmer’s pissed. Bail Bail!

And Billy said: “Fuck if I know, I’m nailed to the goddamn wall!”


The Nazis wanted to ally with the polar bears to eradicate the seals. Just look at these degenerate bastards:

Plane pretty much lands itself

A moron who wants a $6 sticker.

UPDATE 12:26 AM: Oh, Ken Bone also thought the shooting of Trayvon Martin was “justified.” Ken repeats the Jury’s reasoning to acquit Zimmerman

“personally consumed many of the remaining bars without adverse effects” - Very scientific. Samsung should use the same logic and give the recalled phones to their employees to see if they explode or not.