While I appreciate the time going into your comment...One sentence in and I already said fuck this shit.
While I appreciate the time going into your comment...One sentence in and I already said fuck this shit.
I'll place this here:
Yep, I'm the first security guy they've hired (Little over 2 months) to maintain PCI compliance. Without overhauling our entire web app - I don't see how that'll be a possibility. But yes - we've migrated from root to another restricted mysql user and set up various firewall permissions.
That's exactly what happened. Either way, you shouldn't directly modify config files in the production environment. Our normal procedures are to back up the file on an encrypted drive locally then push into production after necessary testing. Not edit the file directly on the server.
Great write up though. I can't stress enough that setting up a firewall and learning just a little about systems security will go a long way. Even in the workplace I see this. Just recently I discovered one developer saved our database.php file as "database.php~" causing our root database password to be sent over the…
Reminds me of a time when an individual attempted to phish my account details. One thing he didn't know was I'm a grey hat and work as a security analyst. For some reason, he thought it would be a smart idea to host his php files on a domain he owned (Without WhoIs protection). Sent an email to him with his employer…
Awesome to see the interest! I'll write it up this weekend and document everything.
Just built an rfid car lock, unlock, and engine starter with an UNO. Thinking about posting it if y'all are interested.
At this point; A patch has been pushed to almost every popular Linux distribution. Any site that hasn't secured it's servers either shows they don't care (Bad) or using something very outdated (Very Bad). And yes, change your passwords immediately. I immediately changed mine after all the crap I witnessed in the past…
We all look at videos with people wiping out all the time. IDK...Seeing a guy in a suit skating down a flight of stairs is a pretty damn stupid idea to me.
Dollars worth. That's about 250 consoles
We had a guy from Sony at our midnight release. He said one store had around 27k worth of ps4s stolen the night before. Apparently they staked out the place waiting for the delivery and robbed it that night. Feel sorry for the people that buy the stolen console. Sony keeps track of the serials and have already banned…
What I hate is the fact that Microsoft went ahead and tried this bullshit in the first place. They then turn around and take all these policies out. Not because they really care about the community and gaming. They did it because the PS4 was surpassing their sales and Micro$oft was losing money. They don't really care…
What I hate is the fact that Microsoft went ahead and tried this bullshit in the first place. They then turn around and take all these policies out. Not because they really care about the community and gaming. They did it because the PS4 was surpassing their sales and Micro$oft was losing money. They don't really care…
Too late microsoft! I'm not changing my preorder again.
I don't have a problem with it. It has a simplistic design and isn't a dust magnet. Hopefully, they didn't rush the design of the console. It would be really cool if they put the console in multiple colors.
OH YEAH! I'm liking the next-generation for sure.
Sony isn't going to play cop and force the publisher to comply with them. If the publisher does impose DRM that is on them. Not sony.
I counted just to be sure.
I wonder if you could use it as a cheap 3d camera...thoughts?