Gray Pride

Yep. Things are bad. As dismayed and betrayed the youth feel about Biden right now, he’s all we have versus an absolute self-serving, easily manipulated demon.

Will you please run instead of Biden then? You can make the turnip VP

Well, let’s hope he does better in the next one.  He sounded much better speaking today.

Biden was prepared for a different kind of debate.

Not a single Fortune 100 CEO has supported Trump monetarily. Line can only go up if people can afford to live. Hell, even Conservative think tanks have said that Trump’s proposed tax plan would be a disaster. Major corporations rather have the status quo of Biden’s economy (preferably with lower interest rates) than

Turnip for President!

Feels very much in line with how Agents of Shield felt hamstrung and stuttering in its pacing for the entire first season as the Hydra infiltration of Shield from Winter Soldier hadn’t been revealed yet. Hopefully the pacing for Rings of Power likewise picks up now that they no longer have to tiptoe and write around

Interesting that they don’t mention Aubrey Plaza’s role. That can only mean one thing:

how last night debate should have ended

Completely agree with you there. I’m 52 years old, work in tech, create the systems that people 20-30 years younger than me use every day, so I’m way past caring about being called a boomer or whatever. I’m old enough to be completely comfortable being widely hated and canceled, so I revel in pushing over the apple

It’s utterly shameful and pitiful that it even comes to this, a debate expected to be watched by so many people? Why? What the hell for? The next president will be one of these two guys, the Hitler wannabe and the well-meaning older man. One of the two is qualified for the job, and the other is the anti-Christ. WTF

I don’t know man - do you consider all of these as “total war” games?

According to Jason Calacanis from the All-In Podcast:

The idea that Joe Biden will be wearing an earpiece has been around for a long time, Trump even ran an ad back in 2020 accusing the president of precisely that.

The last 4 years we’ve haven’t seen this low unemployment for this long since the 60's. Economy is doing well, market is doing well. Biden has actually done an amazing job and you’d see it if you get your head out of the sand.

You should opt-out for sure. Don’t even vote. I mean what’s the point of both siders doing anything?

Oh geezus a both sides-er. It's all on one side. 

NOW, can we get this posted onto every billboard in America???

I’m going to sit out the actual debates and just wait for the highlights to come out. I’m not going to learn anything new policy-wise by watching Trump try to yammer about sharks or showerheads or windmills over biden’s time then bitch about having his mic cut off. I’ll give even money Trump just walks out midway