Stop. Please, just stop. We know her publicised history. You don’t need to keep doubling down on this.
Germans are gonna find AV Club comments in their search results for sure, now.
I see, so she cheated with a married man and implied on a podcast that one of her ex-boyfriends was a closeted gay man, and for that she deserves...[checks cosmic ledger] breast cancer, a double mastectomy, and, potentially, death. Yep, that definitely evens out.
You are sentient dog excrement.
What a shit ass thing to say
If anyone had an NFL themed wedding it would be two morbidly obese diabetics from Green Bay or Dallas and I’d be wondering in the most literal way, “how do these two fuck??”
That’s because everyone knows how rabid sports fans fuck. Intoxicated and without consent.
I don’t ask a silly question like that. Instead I insist I get to watch the wedding night to ensure the marriage is official. I don’t get invited to many weddings either
All that made me think of is how the minute Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale are dead, a BTTF remake will be greenlit before (whichever one dies last)‘s body is in the ground.
As far as I can tell, that’s a general trait of humanity. Hercules, for example, didn’t spring fully formed having already accomplished his 12 labors, that shit was made up over the course of decades or centuries.
I was thinking the other day about how in Back to the Future, the difference between 1955-1985 was DRAMATIC.
There’s something to this. Star Wars was at least gone - except for increasingly ludicrous books and some primitive video games - from 1983 to 1997, when the special editions came out.
Harry Potter won’t even go away for that long.
I think one of the reasons so many Potter adults (and Disney adults, and whatever other way-too-hardcore fandom of children’s entertainment you can name) are unable to let go is because nothing ever ENDS anymore.
I know a couple of people who have done the full Disney wedding, and it sounds like my personal hell. The crowds and rigmarole alone, man...
Ending on Archer and Pam was such an unexpected, delightful, perfect button on the series. I’m glad he and Lana got that moment, but Pam is the beating heart of this show. I’m so glad that the two television touchstones of my 20s (this and The Venture Bros.) both landed the ship beautifully, after that looking…
God, I miss when I was only 36.
Katya and a nude Archer(unless you count the Jetpack) mirroring The Boss and Naked Snake will always be the best reference for me.
Yeah this is the definitive ending, I believe there were other seasons where they did not know if it would be renewed or not, but this is the only time that it’s been intended to be the end.
Nothing truly ends anymore. They’ll find a way to bring it back in 10-15 years when the next wave a nostalgia hits.