Gray Pride

There was a poster hereabouts, one of the more obnoxious ones in the 2016 “BURN IT DOWWWWWWWWNNNNN!” scrum, ishtari or istari something or another. Would just attack the ever-loving shit out of people who were warning about the Supreme Court, or people warning not to throw away a vote on Stein in a swing state, or

It fits the Faux News/Right-wing disinformation narrative.

And as we saw four years later, unlike Chuck Schumer, the Senate can be won by Dems.

Thanks to all of the idiots on the right with aa huge assist from the Bernie Bros to get Trump over the line then.

- Transfer as much power back to the States as possible, because after Project Redmap in 2010 they’re gerrymandered to favor Republicans.

Not just that, but the courts can’t take intent into account when determining immunity. So Trump could go on national TV, gloat about how he’d ordered the military to kill every Democrat in DC because they hurt his feelings, and as long as the kill order went through official channels it’s totally fine. It’s just an

I would almost agree if not the for the fact that the rigging of this upcoming election has been in the works for the past 4 years with GOP-led swing states passing laws that will allow them to suppress and ultimately manipulate the votes as they see fit to win.

You forgot that the republicans have also rewritten al to of the rules of chess in their favor. ie: voting laws and how the legislatures can manipulate elections in GOP-led swing states. For example, Georgia can now throw out any votes they want as long as they get someone to stand up and make a claim about fraud, no

Biden orders Seal Team 6, immune.

Based on Roberts’ interpretation of Trump and Pence conversation being an “official act” a president ordering a SEAL team to kill an opponent would be 100% immune because they would be talking about official acts as commander in chief ordering a military team to carry out a military act. So now we have legal grounds

We’re fuuuucked.

This SC is slowly transferring power to a minority bent on pushing their way unto everyone else. I will directly tell you to fuck off if you tell me ‘they threw it at Congress to make the law’. That’s bullshit. Congress will never agree, and they know it.  This is an end run. The latest barrage of SCOTUS decisions is

fuck this garbage country

We’re not making it to that Tricentennial.

The Hunt for Gollum is “a work-in-progress title” and it “may not end up being called that.”

Coldplay’s 2024 Glastonbury Festival” is a weird and inaccurate way to describe it.

Yes but in 1997 you paid ONE price to enter the park. That was it. Now the rides are rich people first, then the poors.

Your first paragraph is not correct. Sabina tends to not research her Disney posts very well.

Honestly, I feared exactly what you are saying, but I was pleasantly surprised by the process.

It’s really annoying that you literally can’t go on the ride unless you pay the upcharge for it and then manage to get into the queue to get the lightning lane pass. And that they upcharge you for it separately from the already existing upcharge per person per day that they do with the lightning lane pass in general.