
Fuck you and your boring lazy ass, panhandling for views with content that has nothing to do with trans women or models or hell, any god damned thing that matters.

Ohhhhhhh, I was wondering why you seemed so familiar, and then I looked at your comment history — it's because you're a GTer operating under a burner account. Fuck off, you coward.

God I'm gonna hate seeing him leave more than LeBron

Nah, MLS's problem is that it can't attract and/or develop enough desirable players. Every league—hell, every club in the world outside the 40 or so richest ones are feeders to the well-monied clubs. What those other teams can do is cultivate great talent that can be sold for profit, which can then be used to attract

You're not alone. He's the most shameless diver I've ever seen.

Normally I wouldn't be invested in this game. No personal or familial connection to either countries. However Robben's diving over the last couple of games has really turned me against the Netherlands. Which is silly when you consider that everybody dives. Anybody else feeling this way?

Christ, if you're going to be "rich" at least have a modicum of taste in expensive watches, you moron. Rolex is so upper-middle "I don't know any better" class.

Anyone else think Cesar came off his line illegally?

Rest assured, Kanye won't rest until he can get a diamond star for Kim.

THANK YOU. I expected this to be an interesting article about how Goop recipe's can't sustain life or something of the like, not dear god this woman is an awful cook...

I mean, to be fair, half of this seems to be that you just don't fucking know how to cook.

All I got from this is that you're a terrible fucking cook.

Good to see more high-brow content on Deadspin.

This is going to ruin FIFA's reputation.

I think she's got some seriously vapid, short sighted, attention whore issues...But neither of us are medical professionals.

You should just go ahead and lose some weight, being a fatass is obviously making you a crazy person. Cut back on the portions, eat slowly to avoid over-eating and get in a good hour-long walk each day and maybe you'll feel better and won't act like an entitled, angry, disrespectful 8-year old child in a Gawker

If you have Glass, throw that shit in the gutter.

Are you kidding?!?!?! He was totally fouled.

Hey, if its good enough for Fenway its good enough for Manaus.

Better point: Is there ever an NBA season that doesn't end with the Miami Heat, San Antonio Spurs, LA Lakers, Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls, Detroit Pistons or Houston Rockets winning the title in the past 33 seasons?