
Yea, us Cavs fans are having a blast right now!

We can’t bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to tell ‘em stories that don’t go anywhere - like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my

"Who wants to text Mozgov?"

“You ain’t in the SEC?”

I would have Scott Norwood make that wide right Super Bowl field goal. It wouldn’t matter if the Bills lost the next Super Bowls, fell victim to the Music City Miracle, and missed the playoffs for the past 11 years—beating the Giants on a last second field goal would have made all of that palatable.

They screwed the pooch on this one (sorry).

Seriously, the "old" dog had a pretty cool vintage feel, while the new one looks like some shitty marketing tie-in from a 1998 happy meal.

I say this as someone who gives zero shits about the Browns.

That new type treatment just screams impact.


Man, this guy sure could use a Union right about now.

I switched to Chrome about a year ago, used it for about 6 months, then switched back to Firefox. It's much less of a memory/battery hog and much more customizable than Chrome. Unless you're heavily invested in the Google ecosystem, there's really no reason to use Chrome. It's a very overrated browser.

Bird shot an absurd 81.8 percent from the field

Every athlete at that level is a loud mouth and a dickhead to the other team. Manning and Brady scream at everyone on the field (refs, teammates, opponents). Why the hate for Sherman? What makes him different? I would argue that his critiques of the NFL have been some of the most important things that an athlete has

why do you hate hockey so much

The last person this is on is Bostick, and fuck that coach for giving him shit when he went over to the sidelines. The ball does crazy shit on onside kicks. Wanna give somebody shit? Mike McCarthy called that game into the fucking ground for GB.

ummm, no. It's much more likely that a neighbor began using phosphates in surrounding fields. The resulting runoff creates algal bloom.

Well, SEC fans certainly aren't happy, but then people from the South generally preferred things back in the BCs era.

He is one. His writing is just the hipster form of hot takes.

+ #4 seed winning it all and, in the process, proving how much bullshit the polls have always been.

i notice that you don't actually offer any constructive additions, so i'm assuming you're one of those "I CAN JUST HEAR BETTER THAN YOU" people