Wearing fancy clothes, doing nothing all day, whining, and letting TV crews record her doing all of the above & making a shit ton of money out of it.
Wearing fancy clothes, doing nothing all day, whining, and letting TV crews record her doing all of the above & making a shit ton of money out of it.
Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris
I’ve seen your posts on articles about T-Swift and I really appreciate the fact that you are so suspicious about her. Because I am too. Homegirl’s probably a total narcissistic psycho.
God bless.
Amy Schumer said the same thing!
I think that you’re right that there’s nothing wrong in principle with that kind of contract. But Taylor Swift just got done arguing that that sort of thing is wrong to subject recording artists to, EVEN IF THEY AGREE TO THE CONTRACT. If she has a point, then it is because Apple has a lot more power to negotiate than…
Regina George owned her meanness, okay. She was mean out in the open, like a boss.
and you would be another rich hypocrite stepping on the backs of those below you to elevate yourself while weeping about the climb.
I get you. I also probably wouldn’t be like: “Hey, support little artists who don’t get paid” while at the same time demanding photographers sign over image rights to me.
She’s just one of the plastics. She’s a stealth regina george. Except not all that stealthy.
oh bless your heart.
I mean, let’s be straight. This is a woman who said “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t support other women” when someone made a light joke about her but has plenty of songs calling out and mocking other women, including her most recent one.
Why wait?
Love me some Taylor Swift, but her whole criticism of Apple and Spotify comes across as a bit disingenuous to me. She’s trying to position it as support for the “little people” and “indie artists” but really anyone with a brain should be able to discern that she’s doing it for her bottom line first and foremost. This…
This has been my problem with these “pay your artists, goddamnit,” campaigns. They’re launched by people who have more money than they could ever spend and seem to have far less to do with helping out the little guy than more publicity and money for the artists in question. If they were about equity, artists like…
That last photo swipe? That some bulllllshit.