
I really wanted to edit my answer regarding the percentages, but my 15 mins ran up! I do not argue that white kids are not eligible to be there. My statistics are wrong but only partly, the stats for african americans are around 12-15% & hispanics 7%, international students, hawaiian & native american students

well, we agree on that

that is literally the worst thing an Indian family member can say to you

ugh just go down to the pending comments & see her unenlightened tirade against Islam

well, they’ve improved. there was an episode where Tamara schools Mindy’s character for being racist, and last I checked, she was finishing her memoir which was optioned by RandomHouse

she is everywhere omg, with her shitty opinions

what Kaling’s brother is wrong about (among many things) is that many black people who are qualified to get into a university are rejected because most universities will never let blacks studying there exceed 33-34%. So like - you need to be a child genius or you have to write an essay about how your uncle was killed

this. like EVERY single post.

it’s not that hard. most of us don’t do the Salat five times a day or Pooja everyday. Islam & Hinduism, at least where I grew up are not very strict regarding religious rituals. Hinduism especially, there is no ‘sunday temple’ or things like that. you can pray when you want to. also most major festivals are mandatory

no one is protesting you calling Sharia Law barbaric. but there are hundreds of millions of Muslims who do not live in the middle east but in secular nations & who practice their religion peacefully. every religion has violence, but in our times, Islamic nations have taken over to rule barbarically over the middle

My point is that not all those who are born into Muslim families or practice Islam are people who are absolutely clueless about Islamic doctrines. See, nobody’s ‘liberal hackles’ are raised when we’re talking about women in the Middle East forced under Sharia law, etc. What you do when you’re saying that only Islam

yeah, that’s fucked up. if that happened to me, i would have trouble considering myself an ‘essential part of the band’

all religious texts have violence in them. for example, in the Bible, there is :

you can choose to practice or not. i come from a hindu muslim family & most of us practice both religions.

it’s weird to me that none of his former bandmates spoke up about this. not the Bill Maher thing today, but literally so much of Islamophobia Zayn had to put up with, none of them talked about it.

also Zayn is not even of middle eastern descent, he is of South asian descent, one of his parents is Pakistani, I think.

I don’t think some people here can tell apart ‘brown’ faces

they don’t look alike. is this bc all non-white people look the same to white people? Like literally, different hair, different eyebrows, Tsarnaev got wider eyes, different jaw structure. The only thing similar is that they both have the same non-white skin colour.

ohh the temptation is too much when you’ve known someone for so long. i dated this guy for two years & by the end, he started driving me crazy so we decided to break up, but the same thing happened, & we decided to give it another go. the first three months after that went great, but the same issues started popping up