Some cats are bush dwellers. Other cats are tree dwellers. This cat wants to be a tree dweller, but is clearly a…
Some cats are bush dwellers. Other cats are tree dwellers. This cat wants to be a tree dweller, but is clearly a…
The biggest winners are the FLDS - still being ruled by Warren Jeffs from his prison cell. The child marriages and rapes continue. Women continue to be abused and regarded as property. Boys continue to be cast out by the cult so that old men get the first crack at the preteen virgins. I'm undoubtedly a grim feminazi,…
Because when you are "one of the only..." person in your class, this is what happens. The stories my students in college tell me makes it really hard for me to tell them to stick it through, because I know how much it hurts ( I was in their shoes once at CAL) but of course I encourage them to push through and graduate…
Joke's on you, NBC. My favorite musical was ALREADY ruined.
"Oh My!" It reminds me of the Target lingerie line. But I'll share this to make it all better:
Yes, but not restrain resistant.
Whateves. All of my previously white undies are currently 50 shades of grey.
Guessing I'm not meant to be laughing at this. But I am. I can't see the words "oh my" without reading it in George Takei's voice.
Alright everyone! You can officially start unpacking your mangled, balled up Christmas tree lights (which we all…
This list is a complete parenting fail. With something like a Christmas list you need to get out in front of it. My wife saw something on pinterest last year that we used with our children and it worked well. Basically you have the kid make a list comprised of four things and it is formatted like this: For Christmas I…
"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."
That synthetic g-string you're rocking all up in your business needs to be trashed and/or burned, because…
I keep hearing people say in response to this book that there is really good erotica out there. Please provide titles because I cannot wade through all of it to figure it out. Also, it would be helpful to know things like—if it's random sex scenes sans story, a romance, supernatural, or whatever might be useful to…
Well, it's that time of year again. The upside is that you (hopefully) get a gloriously long weekend. So much time…
I think what she was referring to is more something along the lines of women-only gyms: a safe space where people who are normally discriminated against can relax for a bit before going back to a world that treats them like crap. Safe spaces are extremely important and shouldn't be confused with segregation.…
Despite all the squee propaganda on the Internet (fun fact: the Internet is run by a cabal of savage predators with…
I wasn't aware that women's hairstyles existed solely for the amusement of the heterosexual male.
I just sent this off to Sony...
"I am a good person at heart and I have matured and have taken this as a massive learning experience."