
Harris-Till had time that day, lol

There are people who still support R. Kelly and Bill Cosby. This is not surprising.

So many stupid, ill-informed people make hot takes like this. Anybody with a hot strip club anthem somehow becomes H Rap Brown or Mumia Abu Jamal if they get into trouble for something. It’s beyond ridiculous. With all of the real criminal justice reform that needs to happen, there’s still plenty of nitwits who behave

The policing and controlling of Black women begins at such a young age. When will our Black girls just be able to be Black girls?

I’m so sorry for your loss. My cop (sigh) brother also refused to get the vaccine, and he and his wife were sick as dogs for two weeks. He lost 15 lbs. I just... don’t get it.

Death from COVID scares me (I’m vaccinated and boosted, as is everyone I know personally) but long COVID scares the shit out of me too. There was a video circulating of a woman who is COVID-negative now but the lingering symptom she has is that everything she eats tastes like garbage. At the time I saw it it had been

I’m sending you and your family all the light, peace and love I have, because that is a heartbreaking story. I’m very sorry for your loss.

Very sorry you’re family has gone through all that. Good vibes for some family peace.

Sorry for hearing about your loss. Unfortunately there’s too many stories like these out there.

He got his test results on Wednesday and was dead by Sunday.

My condolences. More people need to hear this story, word for word and get vaccinated.

I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending love and light to you and your family.

We all know Steve Harvey was just the opening act to the Kings of Comedy. No one wanted to actually listen to his Preacher Suit/Cosby-Lite act. He is a mediocre comedian who got lucky in TV.

If you can’t make a joke without punching down on somebody, maybe you don’t need to be in “comedy.” 

Chapelle seems to be playing the Jerry Seinfeld card. Jerry said he couldn’t do college shows a few years back. What Jerry failed to realize, is those college kids’ parents found him funny. Of course he wasn’t going to do college shows, ever. He plays charity and award shows for millionaires (at least). Chapelle is

The wild thing is that another cis dude felt as though his perspective mattered more than, say, any trans people. Like, my dude, you wouldn’t accept a white guy telling you whether something was racist when a lot of Black folks were saying it was, why on Earth can’t you figure that same thing out when it’s about

I hate learning how stupid so many celebrities are.

You’re so right ✅.

As long as people are still watching her, reporting on her, reposting/retweeting her, etc. she’ll remain in the limelight. At her core, she’s a troll and she needs attention to survive. Instead of rewarding her with that attention, we need to turn our backs on her and walk away. Give it to those who deserve it and let

It’s consequence culture.  Rebrand please.