
Thank you. I’m glad they survived.

I know exactly what you mean. My aunt got Covid, was on a ventilator for three weeks and “recovered”, but she couldn’t walk when she was released from the hospital. She’s starting to get some mobility back, but she’ll never be the same.

Thank you. Such a surreal situation. It’s still hard to believe that he’s gone.

Thank you

Thank you. More and more people who I went to school with are dying from Covid.

Thank you

Thank you. I tell this story as often as I can on Twitter.

Thank you

My younger brother who, was unvaccinated, died from Covid five months ago at the age of 43. My older brother, who is a diabetic with kidney disease, got Covid a couple of weeks ago and was hospitalized. Thanks to him being vaccinated, he was released from the hospital yesterday.

The death of my younger brother broke

During the week of the 4th I was flying back from visiting my parents down in Georgia. While I was on the jetway waiting to board the plane, I saw a white couple with a little black girl. As they were getting on the plane, the flight attendant asked the little girl if she wanted to go into the cockpit to say hello to

I’ve never watched her show. On Twitter someone said she has a dark spirit. I don’t fw people who give off bad energy, no matter how popular they might be. Usually they’re popular for all the wrong reasons. Wendy epitomizes the phrase “All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk.” She loves putting on a modern day minstrel show

Kanye West: I want to be solely responsible for people’s poor footwear choices.

All that shit he sees hanging down the backs of his favorite white female celebrities is weave. They just refer to it as “extensions”.

I absolutely love John Oliver. He is always right on the money with all of his segments.

Love how these racist pieces of shit love to twist MLK’s words to suit their agenda. As always wypipo want to be oppressed so badly. When you spend your whole life riding the gravy train, anything you see as an attempt to siphon off some of that gravy for those who have only gotten the driest of dry scraps is

First of all, fuck the landlord who called the cops on her. Second of all fuck that cop for being a sleazy piece of shit and treating a deaf woman as if she’s not even human. He didn’t need to pull her out of the car. He could have stood a safe distance away, pulled down his mask, and talked. I’m sure she’s able to

This upper plate-forgetting, slack-lipped, racist piece of shit needs to STFU. Call a crackhead? WTF does that have to do with police being sick bastards who get off on killing unarmed black people? Not a damn thing. All these fools out here fearmongering in an effort to convince white America that all we want is mass

Where do I even start with this? If you’re trailing someone who is delivering newspapers, it’s going to be pretty obvious that he delivers newspapers. Brother is there six nights a week, yet Sheriff Whitey McBlackgrandson acting like he don’t know? And of course this right here is the capper:

Exactly! She’s using the standard white woman “I didn’t know” defense, which her fellow whites will accept with a nod and a wink.

Rep. Steven Johnson (R) who was merely trying to help Carone get to the bottom of her mimosa