
No, to be honest, I snarked because someone questioning why an article was necessary while commenting on the article always strikes me as hypocrisy at its finest. But all in seriousness (and finality, because I’ve exhausted this topic): we did a follow-up not only because a) there was enough interest in the first

If I had actually dragged her—or if she wasn’t also claiming some accountability here (which I credited her for)—that really would be. But reading is comprehension, and I’m guessing you never got past the headline.

You know, the headline where I quote her denouncing white supremacy.

For those that want to claim mental illness, I am calling your bullshit right here and now. He may have mental health issues that limit his control or remove his inhibitions; but he meant that shit. For centuries white people* have shown unmitigated hatred for POCs in this country. See also:

Imagine hating Black people so much that you’ll attack a vet on Memorial Day for mentioning its roots.

Later that night, he fantasized about what he saw in the pool while his wife pussywhipped him for not standing up for her.

It’s been discovered she doesn’t even live in Oakland. She lives in a super pricey South Bay city. She and her husband also recently had to settle a lawsuit because they refused to pay for work done on an investment property. Really stand up people here.

White folks kill me with their self-appointed and unwanted deputization of unknown authority. I find it ironic that they wanted to protect the children but then used words that they probably don’t want their kids to use - hard to tell with them as they get cussed out by the kids starting usually around 6-7th grade. I

(meanwhile, on the low, he’s secretly thinking “go on...”)

“clueless, hueless and now-swimming pool-less” and “Gentrifier from the block”....

Thank you.

Exactly. Like any profession where you have a contract, you have the right to renegotiate better terms for yourself if you find yourself in a position of power.

But unfortunately, she can’t have it both ways since athletes are contractually obligated to engage with the media.

I remember that video when it happened and I remember the backlash that Richard Williams faced on a regular just to advocate for his daughters - athletes - and I remember thinking anything these girls do in life, he has prepared them mentally to face it deal with it and overcome it. Time has proven him correct. THEY

I got so many Cs and Ds it looks like my senior year report card up in here.

He showed us that you don’t always have to be the biggest star to be the brightest.

A: Someone fainting at your funeral.

Man they trashed that dude, he took it where it was supposed to go. 

ehhh idk. Everyone has a limit. Kwame Brown should have long been forgotten with the Lonzo Balls of the world, but assholes like Gilbert Arenas and bitchass Matt Barnes keep taking the low hanging fruit. 

Ya know what?  FUCK GIL talking mad shit about what Kwame woulda, coulda, shoulda been?  Seems to me I remember that fuck hustlin’ half his teammates into debt, flashing his fucking piece around the locker room.  Must had his eye on SOME KINDA FUCKING BALL to be pullin’ that shit when he woulda, coulda, shoulda

Yeah, this isn’t about Brown being “redeemed” (Dude was an absolute bust).