Michael Sirius

Yang’s ideas are really hardcore libertarian masquerading as liberal. His idea is to give everyone 12k a year and then do away with almost every government program.

I didn’t comment one way or another about whether the U.S. should have invaded (ahem launched a bombing campaign) against Libya. I only discuss how those actions led to the current humanitarian crisis. Slight push back here as well. Qadaffi may not have been a good guy, most non-Democratic dictators aren’t but that’s

I’m looking at your burner name, and you’re not even trying to not look like a Russian-bot. I hope your FSB manager has a word with you about lack of effort.

Listen, you have to admit that if Gaddafi was as bad as you make him out to be, he’d still be alive and leading Libya. It is precisely because he didn’t dance a jig when the West demanded that they found him a threat worth vanquishing. The fact that he warned about, and predicted exactly, the violence and chaos going

For-profit regime change poorly disguised as humanitarian intervention is not the right way of producing political stability in any country.

What westerners never seem to realize is that countries develop at their own pace, now Gadafi and Sadam are gone the world is in much worse shape. The inability to realize that unless countries evolve on their own any ‘’government’s installed by western occupancy will fail as evidenced by Libya and Iraq. Western

Bad history, dude. Gaddafi was admired by the likes of Nelson Mandela and other Black liberation fighters because he put facts on the ground when they needed it most. He armed and provided funds for the anti-colonial struggle and supported Mandela and the ANC to the hilt. Whatever his personal faults, when he was

You can’t deny that Libya under Gaddafi was a healthier and more stable place in many respects, least of all in education and free medical treatment. The guy carried out the world’s largest irrigation project. Libya had probably more gender equality than most Arab states, for one thing.

Too many people here have fully bought into the U.S.’s anti-Gaddafi propaganda to even consider the notion that Gaddafi’s reign was good for most Libyans.

I’m not about to play with you! I literally hollered.

“The Congressional Black Caucus has an African task force; they should be one this.

Given how Trump “helped” Puerto Rico, that might not be an entirely bad thing.

That war of choice is probably also to blame for rise of the far right across Europe, including England’s secession from the EU. Without the massive refugee problem created, and inspiring the utter idiocy of the Syrian civil war, the ugly mutterings of European racists would have remained just mutterings. The flood of

As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.

¡Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo!

People are completely misunderstanding what Trump meant.

To this day I simultaneously relish/commiserate that these same people are celebrating the birth of a Jew from two thousand years ago.

The parental units (well, my father) got cranky at me because I recently posted a picture of our holiday decorations with the chalkboard reading, “Happy Holidays!” Apparently, I’m contributing to the continued War of Christmas.

We should go back to saying Merry X-Mas. That would really piss them off.

I wish I could do an extra star for Roswell.