Michael Sirius

Imagine paying $2615 for a flip phone, lmao, couldn’t be me, even if the 1GB in 3 seconds thing *is* impressive

In Gaddafi’s “undemocratic” “dictatorship” the national legislature couldn’t pass any law without ratification from the local People’s Assemblies. Libya not only had the highest standard of living in Africa, but one of the highest in the world. Free electricity, free startup money for new parents and newly weds.

Smdh, another anti communist screed of outright lies about the relationship between black people and the USSR from the “Russia expert”

Umm, the USSR had a policy called korenizatsiya that involved the preservation and promotion of cultures that had been suppressed underthe Russian Empire. In fact, the USSR had a special policy called Ukrainization for the promotion of Ukrainian culture. The USSR preserved the Ukrainian language and culture and hell,

What are you talking about? First of all, to refer to Russia as “the former Soviet Union” is deeply misleading. The USSR wasn’t just Russia, there were 11 other Soviet Socialist Republics that are now part of many countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Furthermore, there are pro West, pro Nazi governments in

Io Saturnalia