
Are you resurrecting that tired gun nut trope of “anything can be a weapon?” That logic is both utter bullshit and refuted by simple statistics. Doubling down on adding bullets and increasing fire rate only makes you look either stupider or like a bigger liar.

You can even be pro-Israel and anti-Semitic at the same time.

Could it be that small-dicked men who need guns to feel strong also like to beat up their wives and children?

How is it that Trump’s Justice Department can get away with taking the plaintiff’s side in suits against the Federal government? ACA was a law passed by Congress — doesn’t the Justice Dept have to defend it in court?

Wasn’t it true that, in the Wild West, when everybody carried a gun, they were MORE likely to get shot, not less? Doesn’t that prove that arming more people actually makes us LESS safe?

And that is what they are, in fact.

It won’t save you from being shot by the cops, however.

It was a Heritage Foundation plan, one implemented by Romney in Massachusetts. His advisors are on record saying that’s why they picked it -- because it should have been palatable to Republicans. They didn’t realize that, with the election of Obama, all norms evaporated -- see Garland, Merrick.

He didn’t pass it. Pelosi did. Obama had given up.

The Right will characterize anything proposed by a Dem as socialism. A 10 cent gas tax will be called socialism the same as a dollar gas tax. They’re on fire to eliminate the ACA already. So stop kowtowing to your worries about what they say about you. Craft a strong message change the conversation -- something no

Trumpism is a reaction to Obama, in the same way that Jim Crow was a reaction to Reconstruction. It energized the racists to see “the blacks” winning.

He wanted to give trillions to Wall Street with no strings, he wanted to drone strike citizens even more than Bush, he wanted to run the least transparent administration of all time, including Bush. Obama was a paper tiger -- he folded on his own health care plan, and Pelosi had to kick him in the ass to get it done.

The 2018 landslide was won by people articulating policies which Obama would have shied away from and is now counseling them to tone down. 

What the author is right about is that Obama, as usual, is afraid of sounding bold, and, as such, he never used, and is counseling others not to use, the pulpit they’re given to change the narrative from the default right-wing message they’ve ingrained in all of us since Reagan.

That’s not necessarily what he’s saying -- just that Obama is hardly an example of the president we should have.

And yet, he was a totally mediocre president. Perhaps he’s not the best model for how to actually improve things.

It’s impossible to puzzle out what you’re saying, but, then again, I suspect English is not your first language....

“Fake investigation?” Do you mean Benghazi?

What’s with the dude’s teeth? 
