
Nah. He told Thurgood Marshall that he appointed him to a job under the AG because he “wanted people to look in the door at the Justice Department and see a n——- sitting there.” He intented to implement racial equality because it was the right thing to do, and he was willing to lie, bully, and coerce to do it. We need

Are those gold coins, a-la Mario Brothers? If so, um, gold.

These dudes’ wives always have that beaten-down (or just beaten) look....

Unclutch those pearls, ace.

Yes, but also, not too willfully ignorant to live. I know who Tyrone Power was, for example, because my generation didn’t think “dumb as shit” was a hill to die on.

If you’re in your 30s and younger, you could easily have no fucking idea.” Yeah, full fucking stop, buddy.

Jesus, kids. Yes, there was a world afore Facebook.

Technically valete, unless you’re saying farewell to only one of us (pick me!).

Watch “Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.” He’s terrific.

Sunshine Cleaning.

To quote the immortal H.I. MacDonaugh: “now, y’ll that are without sin...can cast the first stone.”

Hello, Hayen Christensen?

Just more of Roto-Reuters muckraking journalism.

Owned by Gawker, of all things.

Maybe I’m old or something, but I don’t understand why a dude hitting a dinger can’t celebrate. I pitcher can celebrate (arm jerk, whatever) when he strikes the dude out. If these were little league pitches we’d have a talk with them about “being grown-up.”

There’s a lot more to lose, now.

Isn’t it amazing? They’re talking about installing thousands of square feet of netting to prevent maybe 10 deaths per century, while kids are gunned down at school every week and we do nothing?

A newborn can’t live by itself, you say — yes it can. It’s “off life support” in the same way we treat people on ventilators vs off them. Precisely the same. A fetus, especially an embryo, is completely different.

An embryo is not a person. Learn what you’re talking about. 

The embryo can’t live without her body. Maybe you should just mind your own business and leave women alone?