
Rhodes scholar. Yale Law. And yet...

George HW was a fundamentally decent person, yet Barb was a vicious psychopath. Discuss...

Yep. I would have absolutely loved to be Hef until the 80s.

Who decides that? Based on what evidence? Presented by whom?

That doesn’t describe the actions of many of those innocent people put to death. Prosecutors and cops collude in hiding or contriving that evidence, witness testimony is notoriously unreliable, and we see innocent men released from prison almost every day. Not if you kill them.

Remember that the wrath you sing of is oulomenen, destroying. The whole point of the Iliad is that such motivation is useless. Should we let wrath direct what we do to this guy?

Though I guess you’re all about “singing wrath”, huh? Remember, wrath is oulomenen, destroying everybody. The whole point of the Iliad is to portray the uselessness of it.

So if a disease is widespread, it no longer needs to be treated as a disease? How about we spend on mental health what we spend on prisons instead?

Why not both?

Yes. Today he would be seen as a communist: he opposed NAFTA, wanted to cut defense, raise taxes, pay for schools. Crazy.

God everybody on Gawker is a baby just out of the crib.

It's funny — you mock his discussion of boring facts and figures, but it was so refreshing to have a politician say something more substantive than a focus group crafted sound bite. Perot was, in a way, excellent. If he hadn't dropped out then back in, if he hadn't picked Stockdale, he had a real chance.

"Its." Wasn't this stall in college?

Should "have", genius.

You spend a lot of time ranting about how you're excluded and oppressed by your straight overlords, but you, who want tolerance and acceptance, will not give it?

Rest in peace, Kristy MacColl.

No, but it does make you 22 times more likely to die by a gun. That makes you stupid. Just don't kill my kid while you're being an idiot.

Guns. Kill. Children. Daily. Private ownership of guns has not factored into American defense since 1775. Enough already.

You know how rare home burglary is, and how frequent accidental shootings? You going to sleep with your AK?

My wife died, this year, aged 44, after 16 years of marriage. It was more horrible than you can possibly imagine. I contemplated suicide, yearn every day to have her back, still have nightmares about her dying, and have a hard time believing that life will ever be good again. Leave it to that raging narcissist Apatow,