Pokemon Company doesn’t care at all. They’ve dealt with numerous clones over the years. They know all they have to do is say nothing, and in a few months the game will be all but forgotten.
Pokemon Company doesn’t care at all. They’ve dealt with numerous clones over the years. They know all they have to do is say nothing, and in a few months the game will be all but forgotten.
But they would say that even if it was a scam.
I remember when Square and Enix were different companies. When you saw one of those logos, you knew youd be getting a quality experience. I miss that.
I think they got like half way into making Starfield and realized they kinda didn’t want to. Like it seemed like a good idea but then it ended up just not being any fun. And they all wanted to just go and work on a new Elder Scrolls game but couldn’t because they already spent so much money. So they ended up…
By this time next year nobody will care about this game, and only a small number of people will even remember it exists.
The prices are going to come down a bit. They were artificially inflated (note: nothing to do with economic inflation) by greedy scammers trying to make things out to be worth way more than they actually were, and this trade has recently collapsed.
I want to be able to turn off the damn exp share for one. There’s not one good reason ever to justify not being able to turn it off if we want to. None. No matter how long you try and find a single reason, it can’t be done. That means its a bad feature.
We told them to reverse ALL the changes or there would be consequences. They chose consequences.
This is 100% speculation and should not be treated as fact.
Here are the Pokemon games that were absolutely not made for kids:
I have no problem saying that I am totally unaware of them. I have a lot of things going on in my life to pay attention to.. White nationalists arent among them
Yeah but i’m not touching anything made by “Meta”
This guy again? Every time anything happens he’s all “Oh we’re going all in on that!” and then they lose a ton of money and release games that are just like all their others.
and yet they left out really solid titles like Disgaea 7.
Where’s Disgaea 7?
And of course Pokemon. Turn based RPGs.
I’d say Undertale had more to do with it than Persona 5
There is hope though. This time, they aren’t getting away with it. They won no awards. The reviews are tanking. And the negative coverage was extremely specific about the problems. Im holding out hope they learned their lesson from this. But if the next elder scrolls game is bad... Well I have more than enough mods…
The best ratio for me ever is Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. I don’t know how much it cost to buy it and its expansions, but it kinda doesn’t matter because