And not a single one im interested in. Oh well, that’s how it usually goes for me.
And not a single one im interested in. Oh well, that’s how it usually goes for me.
It feels unfinished because it is. A team that had made primarily linear games was suddenly doing an open world model with unique landscape and identifiable biomes that made sense. They had no real experience with it. And not only that, it was the first actively multiplayer game in the series. Everything had to be…
Hopefully this will be the last games to be like this. Masuda is out, so anything could happen in gen 10 and beyond. The guy was great at first, but it seems like he just stopped caring at some point, and is responsible for most of the current problems.
They’re increasing prices to see how much they can get away with making people pay. Once they exceed that amount they’ll just go back down a bit. And its risk free since people will just blame it on the government.
It’s because they refused to explain what actually happened, and why. People who play video games get that sort of treatment from game companies so many times that it becomes infuriating. It’s not even about the money at that point. people want answers.
We just dont need E3 anymore. It had a purpose and for a lot of that time it was great. But its time is over.
What a catastrophe. This is going right up there with Mighty No. 9 and No Man’s Sky.
Well, that’s suspicious.
Compare that to Elder Scrolls where your actions are literally the most important thing going on at the time where you have to be The Hero or everyone dies, or Fallout where you have a significant effect on the world and people around you based on how you choose to go about things.
Bethesda has been incredibly tone deaf about Starfield. And its weird because other times when Bethesda had something or aspects of something that wasnt that great, they knew it. They would downplay it, because obviously, but you could tell they knew it.
I don’t care for the game. Its not something I consider to be fun. But it’s also not awful.
Most of these seem pretty forgettable.. But the 1984 game intrigues me. I can’t imagine how someone would be able to take that story and turn it into a video game, but I’m very interested in seeing if he can pull it off.
“The question is: Who’s rocking that body?”
If the first thing you think about is how much the cards are worth, then you’re part of the problem.
“After further evaluation of our businesses, it became clear that we need to focus our resources and efforts to deliver great games to players now and in the future.”
playing cards doesnt break the game, it just compresses an entire game’s worth of grinding into disc 1. Then you never need to do so again!
They’re going to mess with the story and setting so much that it’ll become stupid. They’ve already started the process by giving things stupid names.