I wish they brought back Brutalities. You had to *earn* getting one of since it starts well before your opponent is defeated.
I wish they brought back Brutalities. You had to *earn* getting one of since it starts well before your opponent is defeated.
That’s what they get for treating their community so poorly.
The golden years of Final Fantasy ended with X (or X-2 if you count sequels.) Because that was the last time they let you control your entire team for real.
I get the feeling that the people who hate on FFMQ haven’t actually played it. Sure its not the hardest game in the series, or the deepest. But its still an enjoyable game.
“AMD buying using their money to purchase exclusivity for their inferior technology seems fucked up”
So the game will run perfectly fine but people not using the right brand of cards swill not have access to a feature or two.
The worst part of every FF game since XII is the same: It forces you to use computer controlled party members. This is one of the mechanics I despise most in video games. If you want me only playing one character, make it a game where there’s only one character to control. If you want me using a team, let me control…
The junction system is fine. People are just really bad at knowing how to get magic quickly to use with it, and are bad at knowing what to do with it. Usually because they skipped the tutorial.
FFIII sets the standard for difficulty that all future titles are measured against. Specifically, the three final dungeons without a single save point. Also its why they started using save points after this.
At least you aren’t a Mother 3 fan. Know how long we’ve been waiting for that game to come out in the US? 17 years.
No Mother 3 :(
Disgaea 5?
Chocobo doesn’t use a cart. It has rocket skates XD
It runs quite well.
If you already had the lite version, you can keep playing it just fine.
FFV was pretty good, yeah. Not my favorite, that’d probably be 4 or 6 . Of course, I live in the US so I couldn’t play 5 until I found out about emulators they released it in the US on the Playstation, and Im sure it would’ve made more of an impression if i could’ve played it when released originally. But I still…
the site isn’t read only, just certain subreddits.
Its not that reddit refuses to put them in. Reddit has been promising to make all these improvements that are in third party apps available on their own systems for years, but they never do so. Even in their statements about this specific event they are saying they plan to make those changes. But its no different than…
That’s not whats happening at all. That’s one of the biggest problems in the world these days: People who take sides in something they dont understand.