I dislike needlessly flashy UIs. It should be as minimal as possible while being functional and straight-forward. So I haven’t enjoyed any SquareEnix games in quite some time.
I dislike needlessly flashy UIs. It should be as minimal as possible while being functional and straight-forward. So I haven’t enjoyed any SquareEnix games in quite some time.
Thats petty much how games back then were made. Sprite sheets were literally sheets of graph paper with stuff filled in, which was turned into images and put into the game. They just had to be way more specific and consistent about it. If you look close, almost every time megaman shows up in these sheets, he takes up…
Disgaea 7 though
That subreddit didn’t say indefinite. It said 48 hours.
Yeah that’s definitely weird. The whole situation is weird.
If you don’t even know what the actual issue is and whats actually happening, don’t participate in the discussion. You’ll only embarrass yourself.
that’s whats going on now. Moderators refusing to moderate if they can’t use the tools they need to do so.
The moderators have absolutely no incentive to unlock their subreddits. Its a ton of thankless work, and they don’t even get paid for it. If reddit won’t let them use the tools that make their volunteer job more manageable, they have nothing to lose by not coming back.
And companies just keep doing it. Its starting to piss me off too. And that’s not easy to do.
If someone calls you ugly, ignore them.
This will end poorly. Just like the camp fire feature did, this will lead people down routes only to get their stuff stolen and assaulted.
Their core team has been actively working on ES6 for quite a while now. The people working on star field are the ones who polish and bug test the release candidate before it goes out.
r/pokemon is private too
Ive found there’s one genre that seems to have equal amounts of players from all demographics: Really freaking weird games. Like half of the people who’ve played Sluggish Morss are female, and 100% of the people who played Sluggish Morss don’t know what the hell they just played.
My mom didn’t like many video games, but she liked pinball. Which is why she is the only person in the world who still plays Virtual Boy, because it has pinball.
Doesn’t surprise me. I used to play WoW during Wrath of the Lich King, and a few of the people in my raid group were female. So there are likely even more now.
No sympathy. They used hacked pokemon, they deserve being banned.
Yeah that’s normal. Our sensory systems are far from perfect and they’re attempting to analyze things that arent actual things.
And then after a few seconds it starts to fade away right? Happens to everyone, though it never stops being jarring
What you’re all describing is called “Normal Tinnitus.” Every single person experiences it to some degree. Its like how your hand always trembles if you extend your arm and try to hold it still.