
Im really tired of Japanese companies doing that. Pokemon figured this out years ago, and have been doing simultaneous world wide releases since 6th gen. Ive been waiting since January to play Disgaea 6, though at least with that one we got an international release date very quickly.

I read the entire patent. all of it. I’m so bored. A game im really interested in is coming out in like a month so I don’t want to play anything else because its all I think about.

We’ve been dealing with this sort of thing for years. Its no different. I mean, have you tried to get a good graphics card recently? Thanks to the cryptocurrency mining, its really difficult to get them.

Leon was the best, definitely. I cant imagine any other protagonist being capable of getting through the events of RE4 alive.

I want whoever’s responsible for the current battle system out. That is, I hate when a game gives me a party, but has the computer control it. It is the worst thing in the series, and its been going on since 12. Its when you went from playing a game to watching a game play itself.

Sometimes I like to save my game and see if I can take out an entire town in games like this, but I always revert back to the earlier save after. The only time I didn’t go back was in Morrowind, because in that game you can kill all but one NPC and still beat the main quest. And I figured, if I’m going to do this I

Oh good, I was worried. I don’t have that board thankfully.

Im still terrified of spiders, but also recognize that they really want nothing to do with us, and we’re a million times bigger than them. They just want to do their own thing and are probably terrified of me too. So I decided to let them, but that they still couldn’t do it inside. So now, despite my absolute terror,


Just once, I’d love to see a company in a situation like this not be greedy.

Sony has always been bad about the charging thing. The PSP could only be charged by USB if it was already on, for instance.

Did they have any plans for releasing games for it? Because that’d be help out some.

It is if its a service you already have anyway. And if you have a Switch you probably do.

Enjoy not having fun

Nintendo also has a habit of waiting until a couple days after a major release before putting out C&D orders. They have to protect their intellectual property, but they don’t actually want to stop people from making fan games.

I don’t throw controllers, hit monitors, etc. I do squeeze and press buttons on controllers way too hard, but its not out of frustration. Just a bad habit while playing. You know, as if pressing harder would make the game respond harder, or something. It only really caused problems with portable systems.

The game was also surprisingly good.

Yeah, works for me. Not gonna get it at release, but I’m sure I’ll pick it up sooner or later.

It already did once. The first two elder scrolls games were essentially massive open worlds of nothing with dungeons that would generate at certain points. The first game even let you do it whenever you wanted.