And 9 years, 360 days ago is when I lost my stylus. it was never seen again.
And 9 years, 360 days ago is when I lost my stylus. it was never seen again.
FNAF security breach is coming out in spring too, but they havent’ given out a release date yet~
People were trying to make playable servers for City of Heroes after it shut down.. Once they made some meaningful if basic progress, someone “accidentally” released the source code for the servers to them. Now you can play it again.
But is there any scenario at all where, even with everything we absolutely know to be true remaining true, those team mates shouldn’t be punished along with him? Any new information that would make you change your mind if it came about?
No, you don’t know. It might be possible, maybe even probable. But you have no way of knowing. You’re treating an idea as if it was a real thing. This line of argument can be turned around on you so easily that it should never be used.
Yes, the people who are being toxic should face more severe consequences. But not people who are associated with them simply because they are associated. Let’s use the classic example:
First, you have no way of knowing that’s true. Second, have you never seen someone act irrationally in an outburst in a way you never expected them to? Not a single time?
If they don’t want people to pirate it, they need to release it internationally fast. They had months of extra time to get subtitles in. The people who want to wait for dubs know they are going to have to wait longer.
Your kid cries because he failed to catch a legendary Pokemon? o.O Jesus man. Thats honestly really lame. Maybe its just me, but I’ve been playing JRPGs since Final Fantasy was a game, not a series. I learned at a very young age that this stuff happens. You don’t always get what you want. Do you know how many Pink…
Well maybe they shouldn’t have spent ten billion years not making their game.
How does Ludi Lin’s Liu Kang create a massive animated dragon out of fire? It does not matter. He just does it.
I love how distilleries are just massive retorts.
Its really silly that games only coming out in one region is still a thing. We have digital distribution and very accurate translation software. Just get someone to proof read the dialogue to make sure its not a complete mess, release it online at no extra cost.
Its like playing Age of Empires 2 and typing “has advanced to the Castle Age” into chat.
I’ve been content to live with just the warlock I’ve had since day one.
Since nothing has been passed yet, that means its still being negotiated and there has been no final agreement. It seems to me that we should at least wait for a thing to happen before condemning someone because it didn’t. And since congress has been a bit busy this week, there’s not a ton Biden could do about it…
Well sort of. FFVI’s world would only be better in that people didn’t have to worry about being vaporized by a laser. The world is still pretty poisoned and broken and swarming with monsters. It’d be way worse than it was before the game.
You should check out some of the speedruns of this game (n64 version) They’re completely ridiculously fast at this point. I think the world record for Dam on Agent is 52 seconds.
It was definitely an interesting design choice, combining high speed movement with mazes and puzzles. And when they pulled it off just right, it was amazing. And then you get to a water or sky levels and it all falls apart.