
Another step closer to Presentable Liberty. Damn that Doctor Money.

Nothing is ever truly safe. All systems have flaws which, if found, can be exploited. But for the most part, two factor is a very secure way to handle things.

All I want is the Pokemon stuff, this is non-negotiable. Not that it’d be a problem since I’m the only one who plays Pokemon. Its really all I truly *care about*. there’s a lot of games I really like, but Pokemon games are the only ones that are truly important to my life.

it doesn’t matter if its illegal. The thing is, these takedowns make the companies responsible look like the bad guys. And that hurts them. I barely even notice the background music going on. But what I do notice is when streamers suffer because of the background music I wasn’t paying attention to.

I could never get into that game. Its controls were awkward and the game play wasnt satisfying at all. It feels a lot like that kirby golf game on the SNES. Its technically proficient, but a tedious and ultimately empty experience in frustration.

Im really confused

It didn’t disappear, you just couldn’t see it for a while. The comment system this and the other related sites use is simply awful. You get the same issue if you edit posts: The post is changed, you just won’t see it.

And nothing of value was lost.

Ive never seen her videos and likely never will, because honestly I’m just not interested in that sort of content. But I don’t know why others feel the need to hassle her when simply not watching is an option. If you do like what she does, fantastic. Enjoy the videos. But if not, well I’m sure you can find something

There’s a horny furry anime? Why am I only finding out about this now?

aw, it’d be with a group? Count me out then. I could do it by myself, but around others? Nah.

I wonder how it must feel for the developers, being made to work on a clone game. Its like the company is saying “You guys arent good enough to make good games, so copy this one.”

It does get complicated though. I can explain why Dragon type moves cant hit Fairy types, but im guessing 99% of people cannot.

As temperature rises, patience declines.

Disgaea 5 is on sale. It takes about six months to learn how to play a Disgaea game, so it would be a good escape from the politics.

But there’s a problem with that explanation: When they realized someone was recording, they had a truck drive between the cops and the person recording, deliberately blocking the camera.

While a weak insult, its still an insult. The intent behind it is what really matters. People don’t like being insulted.

Pretty standard. They have to enforce their intellectual property or they could lose a lot of the protections that come with it. However.. You notice it took them over a week to do this. They knew about it at least that long ago, but waited until today to do something about it. Much like they do with fan games.

If you guys need something to help you out here, I would recommend OneShot. Its a much more peaceful game. You really only interact with one character, on a mission far more important than any in Final Fantasy 7. Why not give it a shot? Though remember, you only get one.

Square Enix is bad at making games, to be honest. The developers, the programmers and graphic artists and such who actually build the game, they’re fantastic. But the rest of the people have no idea how to make games.