“I’ll be straight up here and say I have no idea what Sephiroth is doing or why I even had to fight him.”
“I’ll be straight up here and say I have no idea what Sephiroth is doing or why I even had to fight him.”
I’m working on getting the Carnage Trapezohedron in Disgaea 5. Its no small task. I’m at the part where I have to go into Carnage Mushroom soup and fight my way down to floor 100, and hope the Item God 2 has a Carnage Arcadia.. By the time I get one, my thief will hopefully have reincarnated enough times to be able to…
Why does Carbuncle look like that? its awful.
There’s also Anodyne, on Steam and Switch. It’s... it’s a hell of a game. It feels like you’re in a dream, but you never wake up. And thats the only thing the community agrees on about it.
You want something strange? Ive got it. It is the most amazingly weird game I have ever played. its name is Space Funeral.
When you die in an easy Mario game, you say that you were used to the Mario Maker 2 controls.
I hate Ludo without blood lasers.
My advice: turn it off, play Resident Evil 4 instead,
Gamestop is going to be out of business by the end of the year
So are we all agreed that they’re giving the Xbox consoles these names on purpose yet?
I knew I was never going to get a PhD. That’s why I never bothered trying, and am quite happy with my Masters. And the benefits of a PhD were pretty marginal in what I wanted to do. It was the right choice... Plus if I ever decide I want to try in the future, I always can.
That seems like a bit much. Even 30 years.
The only difference between us is you chose apathy, and we did not.
Light Screen + Reflect + Follow Me = easy game, easy life.
I prefer New Smithers. The colors of Original Smithers clashed badly.
Non-Japanese fans of Japanese games who got Pokemon Shield: Who is Bea?
Allister is better anyway
Did you know there were Moogles in Secret of Mana? That was weird.