Binding of Isaac and Pokemon Moon, mostly. Im also putting together a list of all the video games i couldn’t beat as a child, and want to try now that Im even more awesome than I was back then. Might beat a couple.
Binding of Isaac and Pokemon Moon, mostly. Im also putting together a list of all the video games i couldn’t beat as a child, and want to try now that Im even more awesome than I was back then. Might beat a couple.
I love that last one XD
It really stops being a valid argument after you get past the N64 / PS1 days. I mean, take SNES games for example. In order to get around memory restrictions, they used a lot of tricks that only really work on CRT displays. So without that you get very pixilated sprites that just don’t look quite right.
The list should be “favorite RPG right at this instant.” Because like everywhere else in the world, Japan’s favorite RPG is the most recent Pokemon game.
That was pretty ambitious.
Square Enix is pretty incompetent. But this isn’t exactly news.I feel so bad for the people who are eagerly awaiting the FF7 remake. They’re gonna screw it up.
Who drinks these things? energy drinks taste just awful and Im pretty sure no one really needs them. It seems like one of those things people do just because its expected of them.
They’re testing the reboot waters. If this isn’t received well, it’ll just be a one-shot and the events therein will not be reflected in the primary continuity. Comic books do this all the time.
“Plaintiff could have used his right to refuse consent to persuade Defendant to change the scripts so that, for instance, they instead told the story of a postapocalyptic struggle for survival without craven violence.”
I found this game called Space Funeral. Oh my god. You should all play it. Im playing through again. It’s a free game, so you can just download it here:
I like to use an Imposter ditto (If youve played someone from the US and they had a ditto, 95% chance that was me.) I give it a Choice Scarf, so I can always go faster than the pokemon I copy. This is great for stealing mega evolutions.
Oh hey, you’ve seen videodrome too? I remember that. At the end I was all “The fuck did I just watch?”
Well that was a bit much but I do get your point. Yeah, shouldn’t have just made that attack on the guy, who was a very serious athlete and even though he probably shouldn’t have won. So its entirely justified for you to return the favor.
He should’ve named himself “Localize Mother 3" to capitalize on the signs people keep bringing to wrestling matches for some reason. >_>
Why were two of the panels cut from the film?
I like the way the original US SNES looks. I mean, look at the EU/JP version. it looks like it has a frowny face.
Meh. i don’t have a TV, don’t intend to get one either. They should release all these games on the switch. Id probably buy one if they did.
I don’t own a TV at all. I have no plans to get one. I hate passive ‘entertainment.’