
I gladly pay for games I like. That’s the important part: I have to like them. Im not made of money and I can’t go throwing $50 at any title that shows up that looks interesting. I have a very strict policy in this regard: I pirate a game if it looks interesting. If I like it, I buy it. If I don’t like it, I uninstall

It seems like a sequel to me. Like Pokemon Black 2 / White 2. And considering those games were a vast improvement on Black and White that took into account all the problems people had with thef irst games, im optimistic

It was made in the Pre-Squenix days, so yeah you can actually play it instead of watching the computer fight itself.

If this is worht the price will be determined by the number of games they have. if its like the 3DS virtual console, there’ll be some problems... “I really like Kirby games. I love Triple Deluxe and Robobot and Epic yarn and squeak squad and Adventure and everything, from the gameboy’s first release to the 3DS’s most

They really should just call it Final Fantasy Versus 7 at this point. That’s a more realistic goal.

“I have long suspected that black cookouts were ploys by hosts to get free aluminum foil.”

I just picked up the Planet Robobot Kirby game. Its fun so far. It’s ‘gimmick’ feature is way cooler than the one from Triple Deluxe.

I prefer calm rage quits. People acting out of emotion due to immediate circumstance can be funny, but the one I saw was much better: A blank stare at the screen for a few moments, before calmly opening up the program manager, then uninstalling the game.


The game’s difficulty really bugged me. Because in a lot of the trainer battles during the game, I could tell they really were smarter most of the time. They didn’t always make the best choices, but they rarely made really stupid choices.

No one was offended. No one complained. Nintendo saw it, realized that it wasn’t something they wanted in their kids game, and decided to change it. No one forced them or even asked. They decided it was best to do this. Its what they wanted to do, not what they were told to do.

Well you need to actually read the reviews to get it. They go into detail about their reasons. If these folks spent 700 hours deciding they couldn’t reccomend the game, I think its fair you spend ten minutes reading the review before claiming they’re bad.

Pokemon names are both singular and plural. So you would say “and he annihilates all Pikachu.”

Now playing

That reminds me of Dissidia Final Fantasy. Using Jecht is really hard, but if you can pull it off:

What happened to Bethesda? They used to be cool.

Nintendos been making a lot of stupid moves lately. Like their 3DS Mario Maker. What a complete and total failure. Turns out, being restricted from sharing and playing levels for no reason made people less interested.

At least its not Snowboard Kids. That game can go straight to hell. One of the items in the game lanches you into the air, opens a parachute and you slowly drift back down. You don’t move forward during this.

There are a couple kirby games that came out recently. The robot one which is a lot like the normal kirby sidescrollers, and Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, a “Free-to-Start” game where you beat up bosses. Will cost you around $5 for the entire game on average. Both on 3DS.

I find people who do this sort of thing to be very scary. Its pretty disturbing behavior, to destroy something else when you were the cause of the problem.