I pirate games a lot. I don’t have tons of money and so i need to know what im getting before i buy. If I like the game enough I buy it for real. If I don’t, I uninstall it.
I pirate games a lot. I don’t have tons of money and so i need to know what im getting before i buy. If I like the game enough I buy it for real. If I don’t, I uninstall it.
Really? That’s stupid. I smoke but I do so far away from my electronics. Or any other human, because its kinda gross and I see no reason to inflict my bad habit on others.
The CEO has the power to miss five out of six times. On the 6th he either does a normal attack, or copies a much better attack used earlier and restores all health.
I think they’re going to instead release a virtual console machine. One where you can download and pay for new games to be added, rather than a static library. That would be way more profitable. And it would explain the virtual console issues switch has.
Lets hope that they are doing this for another reason - to surprise us with a vastly better version. Imagine if they released one of these things, but that had controllers that weren’t a stupid length, and was in fact a Virtual Console.
I lost my rare magic cards in a flood :( Insurance covered their cost because at the time, they were just “Why would people pay that much for a card” rare, instead of “Stop lying, there’s no way they are worth that much. “rare like they would be now. So technically I made a profit off them.
When I buy a ticket to Disneyland, its because I wanna ride the rides :o Its all like “Fwoosh!’ and “Whee!” and “Now I remember why I never rode the Tea Cups!”
Those dastardly pirates. The worst part is we’ll never, ever be able to figure out who could’ve possibly been behind this! It will remain a mystery for all time.
6 was pretty bad yeah, but I think FF4 was worse. At least in 6 the whole world got screwed over. Sure, you don’t know if your friends are alive or dead, but everyone in the world was going through the same thing.
Seriously? Obviously they shouldn’t have tried to pass like that. But it in no way is anything near the scope of intentionally slamming a car into people! And keep in mind that the only person injured was a passenger on the motorcycle. That is, the one person not at fault in any way.
My problem with legendary pokemon being used in competitive formats is that they encourage cheating. A great example is in Gen 5 and 6: Thundurus. One of the things thats really helpful for making it powerful is Hidden Power: Ice.
I can’t blame blizzard for this one. They’re pretty light handed when it comes to mods, especially considering its an MMO. But this one just was a bit too much. Its actually good they shut this one down as fast as they did. Much better than pulling a Nintendo and waiting until something is almost totally finished…
In my state, however, it’s Sombra.
Have you played Link Between Worlds? As someone who also loves Link to the Past, I couldn’t reccomend it more.
Ditto is awesome. Why don’t people like it? Its been on my competitive team since 5th gen. I win so many times because of it.
I hope luke gets Afterbirth + for it. That’s definitely a game all kids should enjoy. “Birth” is right htere in the title! You know, because its totally for kids!
Pokemon does it to make it feel less like a game and more like a personal experience. Its an ideal the games have consistently held and reinforced. having multiple save files would harm this.