
In Warcraft, one of the raid leaders in my guild was a woman. She got all kinds of crap and I never understood why. She was great at it. We did really well in her raids.

Some people just plain suck. I don’t understand it. What could drive someone to behave that way?

Nah, conservatives did create them. Thats the point. Its what you refuse to accept. Youve created an entire false narrative to explain the world, not one bit of which has ever actually happened to you or affected you. You just hear stories and repeat them.

You didn’t mean to, but you totally proved his point. And that’s really funny.

Don’t care. The way the developers handled this was awful. I will not trust anything they put out, or give them any money. The worst thing they could’ve done is go silent when all the problems came to light. Andthats what they did, and they still havent even acknowledged the original issue.

Remember when being a good sport was a thing? I do. The only time I even feel like mocking an opponent is if they intentionally disconnect when they’re losing. Someome wants to stay in til the end, or they want to forfeit both are fine with me. I respect those players for being good sports, and for the strong parts of

Its cute. Tricked me the first time. But like all gimmicks, it only works once. The more people use it, the more counters are found.

I think the minimal specs thing is fine. Im getting tired of the continual push for better graphics. We’re in a good place currently, we can make games look very nice, and play ver nice. Everyone needs to slow down on that, and instead work on getting better gameplay.

And as always, they ignore the main series pokemon games, despite being the best selling games of the year by far. Dunno why these awards groups do that. The main games are the most profitable, fun and heavily played games that people like to pretend don’t exist.

Now playing

Im playing Fantasy Zone. Why? Apparently I’m a masochist.

Palossand is awesome. Of course, I don’t need a silly gimmick to make it so. And as usual, this team is vulnerable to being Pyukumuku’d.

If they’re going to make such a big case, they should at least include cool instruction manuals. With like, blackjack and ho - I mean, fold out maps and detailed control tips.

Im playing the original Mega Man on my 3DS. I hadn’t intended to but I was trying to go through it quickly a few days ago. Final time: 33 minutes. Pretty good. I tried again later... 33 minutes. And again, and again. Despite completely different things happening, I keep getting 33 minutes.

And seriously, who just runs around killing random NPCs? Thats a great way to get your wanted level up and not much else.

Well its gone because we kinda won. I know its a bit weird, that it’d be so anticlimactic. Video games are now treated just like every other sort of media. Pretty much everyone plays games, liek how pretty much everyone sees movies or watches TV or reads news on the internet.

Like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games :D although you do get a reward for doing so, its only slightly better than what you’d get for the same amount of work on your own.

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon. i was in a very difficult, extremely large, post-end dungeon and got myself killed. I had a ton of powerful, not easily replaced items with me, and would’ve lost them all. So I went to the gamefaqs page and sent a help request.

So where does the first adult come from?

I can just imagine, when Putin hung up the phone. He turned to one of his aides and said “I should’ve voted for Hillary.”

The problem with all these is that they’re used so much that they can be countered pretty easily. Lately, ive been seeing great results using Dunsparce. None of those pokemon can deal meaningful damage to Dunsparce, and its Serene Grace and huge move pool really screw things up.