I bought a virtual boy. Ive earned the right to complain about VR. Because oh my god have you ever used one?
I bought a virtual boy. Ive earned the right to complain about VR. Because oh my god have you ever used one?
Ive played too many JRPGs to be phased by this stuff anymore. You ever try to get a Pink Tail in final fantasy 4?
Im glad my family feels as strongly as yours against Trump. Fuck him. But there’s this odd side effect: I’m much more comfortable talking to black people now than other white people.
Wanna see something weird? Hope so cause i’m gonna post it. You know how you can’t move your arms or menu or go third person during the start of Skyrim? Well, I used some console commands to change that. I went into third person, zoomed out..
“Our company is turning into a sinking ship, and everyone but corporate seems to see it.”
Pokemon Moon, Skyrim, Binding of Isaac. The usual deal. Maybe play through OneShot again. I still wonder if I made the right choice.
Love the title XD I watched Markiplier play it. Ive never been big on Resident Evil games, except 4 because it was awesome. And puzzle games annoy me. Im fine with Horror games, Im one of apparently 10 people in the world who actually played Five Nights at Freddy’s, but for the most part survival horror type games…
This would go much easier if the people who voted for Trump and now really regret doing so came out and said so, instead of keeping quiet as they have been. Then we’d have a much bigger crowd, and a lot of people who voted republican making clear they absolutely will not be voting that way again if congress doesnt…
I never understood why people cheat in online games. Whats the point? You don’t win. Even if you win, you still didn’t really win. You didn’t earn it. so why would they?
The removal of the PSS is the single biggest mistake I think they made with Sun and moon. Everything else I can understand, but the PSS was one of the best things the series had done to make the world feel more connected. and the Festival Plaza just doesn’t cut it.
You don’t actually need an account to participate in the missions. You just get double the rewards if you do have one. So no, this isn’t the issue.
You won’t get banned. The pokemon people are being banned for using are ones that break the rules. You notice this happened right after the bank’s release? Thats because people were hacking in pokemon without knowing that the update actually slightly altered the pokemon, to identify which generation they were from.
Thats too bad. They could’ve totally made it into canon as an ultra beast. The internet would’ve rejoiced.
Its a lot like how all the video game award groups completely ignore that Pokemon exists.
know what’d be nice? If they released it on the 3DS. Maybe as a way to make waiting for the pokemon bank a little more bearable.
Star Fox 64 3D is so much better too. If you’re thinking of getting a star fox 64, that’s the one you should get.
“because people don’t usually go through the trouble of posting about something at length when they love it.”
Rocky Helmet + Rest
It probably wasn’t from anyone who actually has legal authority over the Pokemon franchise. These companies have never ever been subtle about their takedown notices. They send letters from lawyers explicitly stating which company they represent, and exactly why the notice is being issued.
I like Dust Man’s music a lot. Its so different from the usual mega man music, but fits the theme of his stage very nicely.