I think he means the slowdown that happened when too much was going on on screen. Nowhere near as bad as the NES< but it was there.
I think he means the slowdown that happened when too much was going on on screen. Nowhere near as bad as the NES< but it was there.
It was all we had when it came out. It actually gets to the point where if you use emulators to remove the lag, it gets harder to play. We’re used to it. Its hard to explain to gamers who didn’t experience this stuff directly, but back on the NES and SNES this sort of lag was unavoidable. Especially for the earliest…
Im mostly annoyed because its in a game people already bought. Its not like they’re giving FF15 away for free and having ads support it.
Good. I hate Mii-Verse. Because i hate Miis. They creep me out. I want none of it. Seriously, the fact that it made you use miis is the entire reason I avoided it and everything else like it.
So... we have a Zelda game, that’s pretty neat. And then later a mario kart game. Then at some point Disgaea 5, that’s pretty fun. And then Skyrim, because everyone will really want to play the most inferior version available and pay even more money for it... And then Mario eventually.
Nintendo knows what it needs, but doesn’t want to admit it. Well they’ll be forced to, because they’re not going anywhere and people won’t be happy with a steady decline in profits.
Those controllers worry me. I have a New 3DS and its shoulder buttons have already started failing. R is nearly unusuable and L is following. And i don’t think making controllers with more tiny shoulder buttons is something Nintendo should be doing.
Pence is a lunatic, but he’s the sort of lunatic we’re used to. Now i honestly don’t think Trump will start a nuclear war... But that’s a good thing. I *know* pence and clinton and Obama and sanders and pretty much all of them wouldn’t start one. Im just pretty sure Trump won’t.
There’s a good chance its all just there for a strange reason. Take Skyrim for example. If you go out of the borders, things get weird. Eventually though it gets to a point where nothing solid exists and you need to disable clipping to proceed. Well beyond this point, you can move to cyrodiiil, and see long distance…
No fair, Team Plasma called dibs! This is bad. Badbadbadbadbadbadbad! Bad for Team Plasma! Or Plasbad, for short!
Once again, no one was interested in seeing me play through Prinny: Can I really be the Hero? The game was made for speed running, you just have to actually be good at it before it looks cool. And being good at it is.. difficult.
Im playing two games I just got: Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+, and OneShot. I didnt mean to make Niko look silly ;-; hope he’s not mad at me.
Gotta be careful about booting up Pokemon X/Y too. If ou had any pokemon in your party, they look very, very lonely when you first go into Pokemon-Amie.
It didn’t matter. She’s not untrustworthy. She was in fact the most honest candidate running. People got suckered in by decades of rightwing propaganda.
I think its a silly complaint. Really its not about gender roles at all. Its about one person - a princess, who grew up as a princess and thus has very little in the ways of combat skills (her kingdom seems to be almost entirely pacifist too) - kidnapped by a monster most people couldn’t fight, and the person who…
So he eventually won by finding one person who didn’t know what he was doing to battle with?
I’d just like to be able to re-map my 3DS’s buttons. Give the ZR and ZL buttons something to do.
Who got the most votes by far? Was it Sanders or Clinton?
Hillary Clinton was a great candidate and would’ve been a great president. That’s the problem: You, like so many others, have allowed rightwing propaganda to color your judgement.