
That’s true. Though in this case, they do have bad english and are in fact dorks.

when i was a kid, my reaction to something as great as that was not “Destroy it!” They should start saving up for a psychiatrist.

Super Star, yep :D I assume it was in Ultra as well, but showed up first in Super Star. From that one boss that you’d fight like an RPG battle.

When I first started reading this, for some reason i thought you were reviewing a new razor blade. I think I need to get some rest, ive been awake a while.

I installed it just fine. Not sure what the issue is. The only game ive ever been unable to install is Sim Tower. And I don’t even know what the deal with that is. I think I mightve messed something up because I’ve had it installed on this computer in the past.

Im not sure which name I like more... Pokemon S&M, or Pokemon SUMO

Im still wondering what the deal with that hat is.

I used to be, and then I saw the gamestop pre-order exclusive bonuses. Now I no longer give a damn about the game.

well its still annoying if he told it not to install the updates without permission and it did anyway.

Just get in the damn robot, shinji.

its a matter of how microsoft is doing it. if it just asked and gave you a chance ot say no like any sane installation would, there’d be no issue at all. The issue is entirely caused by their aggressive tactics. That’s the problem.

They don’t make new chrono games because the team that made the games split away. Square Enix’s main problem is they don’t know what the hell they’re doing. Which isn’t to say they never make good games. They do!

Its a shame they didn’t make it just for people who were already fans. Then they wouldn’t have had to waste time building the world. Fans are already quite aware of the world. We read the lore while waiting for raids to start.

So what you’re saying is that in the end, the only thing thats great about Warcraft is the Warlocks.

I see people in pokemon battles who were clearly like that a new player, who did really good against his friends, but only his friends. And then they unfortunately run into me.

I like your name

You go through a whole bunch of obscure steps to open a door and then you’re fighting a random monster wiht FF4 battle music and then its over and its like “...What the hell just happened?”

In Final Fantasy 8, there’s a scene on a train. You have to get passed all these security measures. One point has a section where you have to evade guards with Thermal sensors (so you cant stand still) and motion sensors (So you can’t keep moving.)

Rather than cancel the weekend event, they should just have it not count for anything and rename it “Rocket Town.”

Great article. Its always fun to learn about this sort of thing!