
Lewinsky was an adult, dipshit.

She was 15. Kids can do calculus, but you suppose they can’t think two moves ahead? Boy, do we infantilise kids these days.

Maybe...she chose to go on TV.

No, you’re over reading.

No, only if you are a dope. To others, a subordinate clause is not voodoo.

Us too.

Yeah, I hope her parents properly reward her. Oh, wait, a fifteen year old can’t have agency, I forgot.

Well, it got her on TV. I guess she’s less insecure now. What’s the over on a Playboy centerfold?

Did he say rape?

Five men slept with Ted Cruz in drag?

It profits a man not to give his soul for the whole world, so...this...

No, I care more about the country than a dude sexting with a 15 year old. And yet, whether H were elected or not, I’d be calling for his arrest.

Many women, who, I’m told, also have vaginas, privately, and even publicly, disagree with you.


Woody was convicted, or even charged, with what, again?

Get naked and masturbate on the Internet? At 15 you’d do that if a stranger asked you? 15 is not 6. That’s not insecurity, that’s brain damage. Wiener is scum. That girl should have known better. Those are not mutually exclusive. If she drank a pint of vodka and crashed a car you would not hold her blameless.

Uninterested. Unless you mean people held no opinion either way and thus refused to vote for Hillary, you mean uninterested.

Yeah, verse 241 of Ecclesiasticus, in Hebrew, is guaranteed to be practically on the bathroom walls.

Re-read the first chapter of Foucault’s Pendulum...

Except bullshit. Using the 3rd, 5th, 10th, 20th, and 40th words of the 41st Psalm, or Catullus 101, or the famous speech of Achilles about the “doioi pithoi” on the doorstep of Zeus are not going to be in anybody else’s list, nor in any rainbow list.