UNINTERESTED, not disinterested. Stop making this mistake.
UNINTERESTED, not disinterested. Stop making this mistake.
Just because the US doesn’t support Kurdish independence, it doesn’t mean it isn’t a really good idea, unfortunately. We sure supported the idea when they were revolting against a government we wanted to topple; now that they want independence from OUR puppet government, well, that’s just not right. This is the one…
Miller? More like Six Smegma.
We will bury you.
People grow up. Life comes for us all, eventually.
More likely: a boot stamping on a human face, forever.
Who believes the earth is flat.
So then “all women are lying whores,” right?
Enjoy living at the brink of starvation, jack hole.
It’s well known that facts have a liberal agenda.
Here’s to misunderstanding sui generis. It’s common to all soi-disant experts.
Hotter take: you have a tiny penis.
Yeah, I can see how Stratego aficionados would not know many big words.
No game of Risk has ever taken less than 36 hours and four cases of beer.
No, they vote third party, to “send a message.” They’re idiots.
Probably “bitch got what she deserved.” Really, gun nuts expecting total subservience?
Thank you, John the Baptist.
Rhythmically that’s all over the place.
My eyes would not be “up there.”