
Courbusier: when Stalinist isn’t brutalist enough. One of the greatest hacks of all times. It will be decades yet before we purge ourselves of the last of his fucked up ideas.

Shut up, idiot. The first shot fired here was against Seoul, in 1950.

“Both sides blah blah.” Gee, who was it that was blathering on about “both sides” recently? You’re that person, ace. Being on the left is no insurance against stupidity.

You’re, objectively, a dipshit. What was Ellsberg, then?

NO CRIMES REVEALED?? Are you fucking high?

No, you’re wrong. Ellsberg was a hero, Mannin was a hero. You’re, as Roosevelt said of Taft, “someone who means well, feebly.”

Please read about Galileo. They supported him, but when, after they encouraged him to publish, he satirized them as morons, they got pissed. And it was different people who locked him up. He pissed off his protectors. Learn things, brah.

You are the reason we have Trump. You act like you’re 12 years old.

The dude travels with a press corps, handlers, assistants, etc. You can’t get them seats on Air Italia 774, and you can’t cram them all on a Gulfstream. As Francis said, “man is stupid.”

Oh, really? You can’t pull random shit out of your ass? I can’t believe you think it’s somebody else’s fault Trump won.

Yep, because nobody would bomb the pope’s scheduled commercial flight. The fucking left. Idiots like you guarantee presidents like Trump.

You’re as unhinged as your namesake. And as bright.

The dude had these positions as archbishop. I’ll let you look that up. As for the necessity of changing hearts and minds, that’s precisely what he’s doing, dipshit. You thing rank amd file Catholics are to the left of him? You don’t know Catholics. But ignorance hasn’t stopped you yet.

Could I just made wild ass assumptions and hold you to them? Why not? Ok. So if you haven’t personally protested in St. Peter’s square, you’re just blowing smoke up our asses. Based on criteria I just fucking made up. God, you should hear your retarded pompous ass.

That’s horseshit. That’s exactly what you’re not doing.

Yep. Because until he meets my one criterion, everything else he does is just bullshit. And I promise not to move the goal posts. You’re the problem, ace. The problem is not Francis, it’s you.

You think he can undo Curial corruption in a few years? The left and its purity tests. No wonder we never make things better. And that includes you.

Are you aware that many Democrats were critical of many of Obama’s policies? He’s not our god, you know. If he is, he shouldn’t be. If Trump had been super quiet about his bullshit, people likely wouldn’t know. But he’s on Twitter, so people are aware and outraged. Doesn’t mean we were happy with Barry.


Correspondence dinner? Sounds epistolary.