
I guess you missed the 40s in your history studies then. Congress went out of its way to change it to the current system. You’re gonna overthrow that how?

Uninterested. Not disinterested. The latter means he has no opinion either way; the former means he doesn’t care. I see this mistake everywhere now.  

Rein in.

This girl was not tipsy; she was not giggly; she was blackout drunk: if she had vomited, for example, she would almost certainly have drowned. Do people think that, even though you are so drunk you cannot prevent yourself from drowning on your own vomit, you can still somehow be sober enough to consent?

Take out the word “large” and you got it.

It’s a pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

Those are hospital socks.

My younger brother wore them. AFTER my time.


Porn Madlibs.

Who can remain unmotivated about learning the internet when horny college sluts are waiting for him right now?

I’m at work: what did she do? Was she the “stepmom?”

Did you thing that, seen I it.

All those Republican dudes (like Paul LardTub, gov of Maine) who insinuate that strapping young bucks are going to ravish our virginal white women? You KNOW that they’re in the closet, watching their wives get serviced by a black man with a schlong longer than the loser’s arm.

Insert Homer “gay, gay, gay....” fingers crossed video here.

You find that to be vanilla? What ice cream shop do you shop at?

“In the greatest cultural appropriation of all time.”

Only if those kids would equally well have HUNG THEMSELVES for grins, would it be unclear if they didn’t understand the gravity of the situation. You’re fucking high.

“There are good people on both sides” of any lynching story, amirite?

“Lady, for your information, the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint..”