Huh-huh, lol! I’m working class if I say I am!!!
Huh-huh, lol! I’m working class if I say I am!!!
Yeah, “brave” not “poor” as if one’s house size is purely owing to one’s whim. Do you comprehend the degree of your fucking narcissism? I doubt it.
You sound so middle class, so grounded! Never mind that 2ooo+ square feet is bigger than 80% of the houses in this country. And it has to hold FOUR PEOPLE PLUS CATS! You are an inspiration to us all. And they say people are blind to privilege.
There is just no way you could be a lawyer, especially a constitutional lawyer. Look at this idiocy:
Nobody needs to attend a Crimson Tide game, either. But to deny entry to blacks, or whoever, would be discriminatory. Public or private school by the way.
All three of them.
Does anybody watch marathons? The elite women finish behind many non-elite men. Would anybody say it’s sexist to say that women can’t run as fast as men, that in a race, many lesser-ranked men could beat the top women’s marathoner? That’s just a fact.
Kids these days. He doesn’t get how incredible those matches were, the most thrilling tennis matches ever played.
“This flash-forward opening also labors hard to melodramatically inflate the importance of both the game and this individual rivalry”
Can somebody do the cartoon of the dog in the house on fire (“All is Well”) with McConnell’s face Photoshopped onto it? Thanks.
Yeah, it’s as impossible to believe as Nazis having marches and a president supporting them and nobody is upset about it. Hillary lost because America has gone around the fucking bend, you idiot.
Second, yo.
Insomuch. That should be a word. I like it.
So easily said, from the comfort of his easy chair. Let’s put you and your small kids in the middle of Nuevo Laredo in the middle of the drug war, with headless corpses in the streets. Don’t break the law by trying to come here like every one of our grandparents, who simply happened upon America when it wasn’t an…
It’s because government jobs help corporations not at all. Which is of course what Republicans mean when they say “more jobs.”
My wife is now a part-time political organizer (in addition to her day job). She’s been working with a voter registration organization working in VA and (I think) GA. They reported that, after registering thousands of voters, on average it cost about $100 and 12 hours of time per voter to pay for the fees and…
Henry Ford decided to go to the $5 day, over the objections of his accountants, because he needed people to buy his cars. All these companies which turn to as much automation as possible — who do they expect will be there to buy their wares?
Yo, ace, the introduction of the assembly line basically created unskilled workers from the skilled craftsmen they were formerly required to be, while, almost simultaneously, leading to the development of unions. It was clear that the auto companies did not, despite their protestations at the time, go bankrupt because…
There’s are things I find it hard not to admire about Amazon, though I may be operating on poor information. It seemed that for many years, as most pundits forecasted its demise, that Amazon pimped Wall Street’s barbaric yawp for increasing (or even visible) profits, in favor of growing (which is one thing), but,…
If only one could eat integrity. At least you can sleep at night. I hope you’re someplace that deserves you, now.