
Now you know how Christianity got started.

My son lost his mom at age 10. He’s 17 now, and I believe he’ll be all right, but seeing what he lives with I feel so terrible for Diana’s sons, and how they had to return to Britain’s worst family after losing their mother. That said, I was an adult all through Diana’s life, and I don’t remember her seeming to have

Https is encrypted at the browser level, at the request level. How can they get around that?

To reiterate what somebody else said: if you’re on a corporate network or hardware, assume everything you do, everything you type, is being logged. At the keystroke level.

I hare all corporate policing. That said, at some companies they need all communications for discovery in patent lawsuits. I work in pharma research, and we need archives of everything to establish precedence, and sometimes in support or defense of clinical trials.

You’re not a traitor, but you don’t seem to realize that all races have enslaved others. It’s not to let whites off the hook — to acknowledge the facts of history condemns us pretty well. But the fact is that no race is inherently better or worse than any other. Humanity as a whole needs to move past tribalism. That

It takes privilege to “ignore the rest of what she said?” Are you telling me that when she said racism is inherent, not learned, she didn’t mean it? Sorry, wrong. I get that she’s angry, and people can find it hard to realize all the little ways in which they might be bigoted. But that’s indeed LEARNED behavior.

No. They fired her because she portrayed whites as INHERENTLY racist. First of all, that’s not true. Second, the notion that a cultural attitude is inherited, rather than learned, is itself racist. Like “Jews love money and are greedy” or “blacks are good at music and basketball.” What she said is plain bullshit, and

Frankly, bullshit. White racism is a “bigger deal” because Europeans developed the technology to conquer foreign lands, and not the reverse. Read Jared Diamond. But, it doesn’t mean whites have a racism gene (as she implies — it’s inherited, not learned, she said). The Japanese thought all other races were barbarians

This woman said that racism is inherited, not learned. Besides being incorrect, that notion of perverse traits being inherited is itself racist and was used for centuries to attack the Jews, Roma, etc. This woman is a dope. Yes, racism IS rampant, it’s as bad now as at anytime since Jim Crow. Racists are indeed think that’s deep, huh?

You have to be literate to spot irony. That’s why the illiterate put /s after such posts. They don’t get the concept.

Thanks for keeping us completely up to date on what you personally do. It’s great if you can read the story so it’s about you.

Ha. As if a restaurant would ever let a black man in the front of the house. Go back to Russia.

That girl gots her a lot o collagen.

Yes indeed, Jacques.

Dollar store Eva Peron.

Yeah, it would be a shame if that guy came in with a (well-deserved) gunshot wound, and just happened to bleed out. It’s ok, they’ll just put his corpse on administrative leave. Fuck the police.

Nope. It’s because Obama mocked him. In retrospect, Obama is to blame for this, but who would have thought Trump could follow through on any plan?

Of course you’re not a fan. We would be able to stop wasting billions on billing bullshit, the biggest con of all times.