
Was Diana brilliant? I watched her in real time and she seemed vacuous and superficial. Though anybody would crack up, living with those morons.

Lame. Undo Andrew.

NYC got flooded because “God hates fags.” Texas got flooded because “bad things happen to good people.” Crack epidemic in the ghetto? Lock them lazy n——— up. Opiate epidemic in the Ozarks? Suffering people need help and jobs and relief.

To them, government exists for one purpose only: to protect private property. There is a well founded school of thought which espouses exactly this. Why they believe that their arbitrary need is less arbitrary than any other is beyond me.

Band Names?

From Detroit. Not astounded.

Nope. That’s bullshit. The dude simply revealed the unspoken truth. It wasn’t shrewd psychology. Any other crimes you’re an apologist for?

I doubt this is what he was saying. More likely that we give the most leeway to the people who actually commit criminal acts, while the average citizen must be responsible for himself. Being a cop means you’re never in the wrong.


That’s bullshit. First of all, he could have simply told her she was perfectly safe. Second, if that’s where he goes automatically, you know he’s not joking.

Unions. Cops vote for politicians who bad mouth unions, yet nobody EVER talks about police union corruption. People bitch about being unable to fire a lazy teacher; but those same people will put a murderer “on administrative leave.”

That’s ok. I’m sure Betsy DeVoss is on it.

Haha. Don Henley and good don’t go in the same sentence.

Putting the /s on there means you yourself are so new to sarcasm or irony that you rarely notice it, and thus feel you have to label when you yourself use it.

Or, if people were to become literate again

But attacking NK means kissing Seoul (and now, possibly Tokyo) goodbye.

Get it? White people are terminally lame. Always funny.

Mix-a-Lot never had to work again. God bless that man.

Sad, no?

Do all white women fall into one category or another of Becky? Are there any white people who are not total pieces of shit in this analysis? What’s the cultural stereotype of white woman doing the job right?