
When the actors can do the accents. Americans are shit at accents, because they’re all pre-literate buffoons.

No. You’re a dope.

The series is written by Englishman, and the writing is very English. You might as well say the Beatles could have just as well have been American. Englishness is a big part of their makeup.

Their American accents see so good, had you not known where they were born, it wouldn’t have mattered. Unlike the reverse.

When Americans can do convincing British accents, then they can play British roles. And Rowling was absolutely correct — HP is a very English book, it deserves English actors.

They did.

Based on your pictures, you can’t argue with success. Well done, so to speak.

Nor are either of you being “fair.” To be fare, you’d have to be used to pay for a crosstown bus.

Because nobody will take a woman seriously unless she is bonable. This illustrates how fucked America is. In the same way that “racism is over” but black men can be murdered with impunity.

Hotter take: nobody deserves that much to manage a hedge fund. Or to drive Lehman Brothers into the ground. Or to produce “Windows 95.”

“That’s how we keep score.” Can’t remember who said, it, but that’s the truth.

Yep. And America was also the only place where you had to kill people in order to get them to stop enslaving people. How could the better person ever lose, here, again?

She was right. There was indeed a vast right wing conspiracy.

Apoplectic, no?

Obama quietly deported people. Trump loudly deported people. When did people get outraged? If Ted Cruz had been elected, Obamacare would be dead. Trump’s visibility motivated opposition. Televising these shitstains is the way to get people motivated to oppose them.

People didn’t support civil rights because they saw black people marching. They supported civil rights because they saw black people getting the shit beat out of them. Gay marriage swept the country because people were outraged at the way the first attempts at it were treated by bigots. People need something to be

Disagree. People didn’t rise up against Confederate statues until they saw what racists were using them for. France didn’t reject LePen until they saw Trump in all his shitass glory. People DON’T know it’s this bad out there.

What’s latinix mean? I’ve started seeing it all of a sudden?

My first car was a 1973 Chevy Impala. That thing had to have been 40 feet long. You could take a pretty good nap in the back.

Well said