
“Native”? Native Americans?

Your arguments are not the best. A contradiction in your argument about guns: Letting violent offenders out early would also have an adverse effect on the minority population, which suffers more violent crime. So, similar to allowing gun ownership, no?

Really? You judge people by their houses and cars? Eric Satie lived in dire poverty, but was always properly dressed. And furthermore, he was Eric Satie — what he had was worth more than money.

Welcome to America.

Word. I don’t think men should be allowed to go around shirtless, whether exercising or not. Dudes are not beautiful. (Especially me.)

You shouldn’t give a shit what we think. That said, you’re being a lazy pig, know that.

Yeah, if you wear more than sweatpants and sneakers, you’re only doing so to impress people. So goes western civilization....

It’s ok dude: we’re totally fine if you have no respect for yourself. In your case, we get it.

There’s no such thing as a “decent polo shirt.” The whole idea was, in fact, tennis applied to everyday life. Polo shirts are the sandals of shirtwear.

Which, ironically, appears to usually be done while wearing sweatpants or pajamas.

Counter-counterpoint: there’s a huge middle ground of “well-dressed, presentable” which does not require wearing a suit, but does require thinking outside the American box of “I’ll just wear what I wore freshman year for the rest of my fucking life.”

Yet you spell like one.

Really — have you seen the typical suburban Starbucks customer?

Make sure you include sneakers, for that classic American tourist look.

Wear a blue mohawk, and I’ll think you don’t care what others think. And good for you. Wear pajamas and slippers in public? You’re not independently minded — you’re a slob.

Comfort requires pajamas? Sweatpants? I’d be uncomfortable showing myself in public like that. Plus, I’d then resemble Trump’s base of support.

Or you could choose not to show up in public dressed like a slobby child, or, as the French say, “an American.”

Pratfalls? Autocorrect?

If anybody could write your (i.e one’s) stuff, your stuff is utter garbage, worth of the novel writing machines of 1984.

George Harrison thought of it first.