
In that case, books have become IKEA furniture. At least, the shit you read.

From the looks of them, I’d suspect that GRRM isn’t getting edited at all. I mean, can somebody explain to him that naming your characters a la George Lucas is hackery of the lowest order? Some have English sounding names, while other characters of no different class or ancestry have names which sound foreign (or

“I’ve got a friend named Phil who wets the bed still.” 

Right. So in that case GRRM is still waiting to produce page 1.

I think he’s saying he understands what it’s like to be under pressure to produce, yo.

Game. Set. Match.

King did not stop being a hack. He just got better known by the general public. That does not equate to a gain of talent.

Like saying of a musician: “his latest was ok, but he’s no REO Speedwagon.” Indeed, a pity.

“The story of our lifetime.” God, are our times really so fucked up, that this is the best we’ve got? Art is dead.

Crowning anybody the “best hack writer of intellectual junk food” is kind of a dubious honor. It interests me that it interests you so much.

Compare GOT sales figures (before HBO) with the putative number of nerds in the population, estimated from the average geek bestseller sales annually. Conclusion: GOT was a very popular series. Unfortunately. All this shit, of course, is just “50 Shades of Grey” for dudes. It’s all garbage.

I think Martin is terrible, but he was insanely popular before HBO. Just not among the 90% of the population who doesn’t read.

And all of those dudes are garbage. The shit people will stuff into their brains...

Does psychopathy overlap, to some degree?

Dude, St. Louis also sucks.

Sick burn. I’d take Detroit. It’s still better than Macomb County.

Former 30 year Detroit resident. It, and Michigan, suck. Except for the Great Lakes and AA.

Colluding. Fucking autocorrect.

Democrats were not responsible for the mortgage crisis. The problem was Wall Street creating $100 in CDOs for every $1 in mortgages, and then collided with the ratings agencies in getting them rated AAA. It’s like blaming the guy rolling when you lose your shirt at the craps table.

No, Phoenix is not “actually a pretty cool city.” Get away more.