Worst, not most pitiful. (Former Detroit native)
Worst, not most pitiful. (Former Detroit native)
*kisses tips of fingers*. Magnifique!
Our team, led by an 18 year old coach and his boss, the night-shift restocking manager at the local Safeway, was the Bad News Bears of Berkley Little League. It was the 70s, and we’d get picked up by a guy who looked just like Peter Framton, wearing Todd Rundgren t-shirt, in a green Gremlin reeking of weed.
Hot take, bro.
Actually, they’re all losers, because they’re not in Trump’s America, where we’re getting tired of all the winning.
God, she was awesome
Book? What is that?
She is batshit insane. Why is she making big money on the teevee?
1300 markers, monuments, and statues? For a single battle? The Russians have ONE for all of Stalingrad. We should get over ourselves.
Confederate statues were erected then precisely to perpetuate Jim Crow.
Dude, the majority of public assistance goes to white people in Red States. Paid for by Blue States, because we make all the money. Get back to cutting my lawn.
How is that lawn mowing coming along, then? I knew you weren’t a scientist, lol.
Yeah, Trump wasn’t flawed at all. Bible thumpers love grabbing them by the pussy.
But...her emails.
Aren’t pharmaceutical opiates synthetic? Pretty sure.
It’s not. It’s octopodes. 4th declension.
Can a bridge consent?
Stomp twice for yes, Ed.