
I see what you did there...

There’s always one...

Dude, I’m not going to kill you. I’m just going to give you the beating you deserve. Call me!

I can’t believe what fucking pussies white supremacists are. They need guns, and clubs, and headgear, and taped hands, to confront a bunch of CLERGYMEN (and women)? Fucking snowflakes.

Why does it look like a crumpled Darth Vader lying on the grass?

Honestly Trump is probably not a white supremacist. Trump doesn’t think big thoughts like that. And he doesn’t give a shit about the supremacy of anybody but himself. What he IS doing is signaling his base, who he judged from the beginning as white supremacist. It’s the failure of the media — and Obama!! — for not

Oh. Em. Gee.

Dude, what do you call a Nazi buried up to his neck in sand? Not enough sand. What do you call a million Nazis at the bottom of the sea? Not enough Nazis. (These jokes also work with lawyers). The point is, no, killing the killers of the Jews is not equivalent to killing the Jews. Intolerance of intolerance is not

Counterpoint: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The most hateful thing about this was having to listen to them mispronounce “sine die”.

Self-defense. That man was black, therefore threatening....

So — I hate the fucking South, and I think it’s so obvious now why right thinking people had to fucking *kill them* to stop them from owning other human beings. But — what about German soldiers in WWII? Do we condemn all of them? How many of them had a choice?

That’s right! In the Warsaw Ghetto, there were Jews shooting at the Germans. It only stands to reason that they should all be gassed, right? I mean, both sides had guns, right? Right? Go fuck yourself.

Remember when machines made *other machines* obsolete? Such golden memories...

Still smarter than the Florida (of course) couple who put a “live” propane grill in the back of their car, rolled up the windows, drove off, then lit up a cigarette...

As well as smarter than 99% of management.

It’s disturbing that robotics has come this far already. People warning of Terminator scenarios may not be paranoid after all.

The ACLU is here to protect SPEECH and ASSEMBLY. Not CONDUCT. They’re not defending anybody’s right to crack skulls.

Don’t forget, we faked the moon landings, too.

All anybody needs is your Gmail password. Go to your bank website, click forgot my password, hack into Gmail, get the link, and voila, they own you. Make sure your Gmail password is the strongest of all.