Self-defense. That man was black, therefore threatening....
Self-defense. That man was black, therefore threatening....
So — I hate the fucking South, and I think it’s so obvious now why right thinking people had to fucking *kill them* to stop them from owning other human beings. But — what about German soldiers in WWII? Do we condemn all of them? How many of them had a choice?
That’s right! In the Warsaw Ghetto, there were Jews shooting at the Germans. It only stands to reason that they should all be gassed, right? I mean, both sides had guns, right? Right? Go fuck yourself.
The ACLU is here to protect SPEECH and ASSEMBLY. Not CONDUCT. They’re not defending anybody’s right to crack skulls.
Don’t forget, we faked the moon landings, too.
All anybody needs is your Gmail password. Go to your bank website, click forgot my password, hack into Gmail, get the link, and voila, they own you. Make sure your Gmail password is the strongest of all.
Wow, somebody’s been done wrong. You certainly aren’t letting the bitterness take over your life...
Bitchiness, selfishness, and childishness: the foundation of a strong marriage. You sound like a keeper!
Can you lower the bathtub walls about four inches? Thanks.
Yo, media! How come when Trump grabs women’s asses, you spend about seven days on it, until the next Hillary email dump comes out. But TSwift gets her ass groped and it’s a headline every goddamn day?
But at least they’ll never go back, right???? Right??? I’ll show myself out, stopping to shoot myself on the way...
The Dude would say “hey, man”. And The Dude is not racist. Maybe you’re the racist, maybe.
“Bottomless brunch”? I’d buy that for a dollar.
London has more cams per capita than any other city on earth. The British are so American when it comes to shitting on the rights of their own people.
Yep, that would have totally made this a less insane situation, and been a testimony to the enduring sanity of homo sapiens.
I’m disappointed that people on that bus (assuming it was still stopped) didn’t knock some sense into that douchebag.
Because you can indoctrinate somebody into believing they are shit, that’s how.
Runners do not have right of way. Bikers do not have right of way. Doesn’t matter if the ped is lying in your lane. If bikers/runners expect cars to avoid hitting *them*, they owe the same courtesy to pedestrians. Enough bullshit. This dude is in need of a good beating.
Brendan Fraser and Phyllis Diller?!?!?! A-listers all the way down, baby! No wonder the dude is so high on hisself!
Maybe you’re the one whose absence nobody would notice... Except for the improvement in the smell.